Page 20 of Eagle
Wolfe turned his attention on Brew. “What do you say, Brother? What punishment fits the crime?”
Glaring at Ron, Brew demanded, “Look at me, kid.”
Ron complied slowly and with obvious fear.
“Got a broken collarbone, a busted head, scrapes and bruises. I’m thinking an eye for an eye.” He paused long enough to let this sink in. “Got a busted bike, too.”
When Ron had time to digest Brew’s meaning, his expression turned slightly panicked. “I-It was an accident!” he emphasized, as if that justified his actions.
“A fucking stupid accident that didn’t have to happen,” Brew countered angrily. “You were driving on the wrong side of the fucking road, asshole! Did you think I’d forgotten that?”
Ron shook his head and remained quiet.
Wolfe released a deep breath and relaxed back in his chair. “Okay then. I think it’s only fair you feel some of the pain Brew’s experiencing right now. And we have a reputation to keep. Can’t let it out that we’re soft when it comes to shit like this. We give you a beatdown and you’ll pay for a new bike.” A smirk spread across Wolfe’s face. “If it makes you feel any better, you would have paid even if you hadn’t run away.”
That one word said it all. I barely heard Ron’s soft exclamation as he accepted his fate. He had no idea what he’d be facing. A beatdown meant running the gauntlet with my brothers, and that was going to hurt like hell. Might make him rethink his actions later and hopefully teach him a valuable lesson. Leo was going to lose her shit when she saw him afterwards, but I was almost looking forward to seeing the fire in her eyes.
“How much?”
Brew grunted from his position on the couch. “You’re worried about money? You should be worried about the hurtin’ you’re gonna be feeling by the time we’re done with you.”
“I’ll send a group text to get the brothers in.” Wolfe was texting as he spoke. “No reason to put it off.”
Ron chose that moment to bolt. I could just imagine what was running through his mind as I took off after him. I caught him at the door, where I grabbed the collar of his shirt and threw him up against the wall. “Going somewhere?” I grated into his face, using my weight to hold him steady.
“It was an accident!” he whispered miserably, a look of fear twisting his features.
“That you turned into a big, fucking mistake,” I reminded him. “Be glad you’re only going to be hit with fists and not a bullet.”
His body relaxed slightly, but I didn’t let him go.
“Time for you to man up.”
“Take his ass out back. No need to get blood on anything we’ll have to clean up.”
I smirked, knowing what Brew was doing. We would have done that anyway, but he was making sure Ron knew that he was going to get messed up. I shot him a grin before grabbing Ron by the shirt and jerking him from the room.
Chapter 9
Two hours went by before I finally heard someone at the door. I’d spent my time pacing, fretting, and imagining all sorts of horrid things that could be happening to Ron, until I’d just about driven myself crazy. When I finally heard the lock turn, I took slow, even breaths hoping to calm my nerves in preparation for whatever I was about to hear.
I was surprised when Ella, and not Eagle, appeared in the doorway. Her small smile didn’t begin to disguise the regret in her eyes. My heart sank, thinking the worst. I jumped to my feet.
“Is it bad?” I asked, assuming that she knew what was going on. “Will my brother be okay?”
She nodded and brought me back to the bed where we both sat down. “He’s being treated now.”
“Treated? Oh, God!”
“If it makes you feel any better, the boys took it easy on him once they found out his age. It could have been a lot worse.”
“Yeah, that makes me feel loads better,” I responded bitterly.
Ella sighed. “We all have to pay for our mistakes, honey.” I glared at her. “What do you think would have happened if we’d turned him in to the police for leaving the scene of an accident?”