Page 71 of Eagle
“Don’t fucking touch it!” she snarled, reaching for something in her purse.
I froze, eyes focused on her hand, which was digging for something. She pulled out a small gun and aimed it directly at me. I held my hands up and out in front of my breasts as if in surrender.
Her demonic laugh sent chills down my body. “I’m not going to shoot you. Not today.” She laughed again. “This is just a warning. Eagle can fuck you out of his system, but he’s mine. He’ll come back to me like always, and you’ll stay out of our way! So don’t make me regret letting you live today.”
The phone kept ringing. It had to be a client, because I knew if Eagle or any of the Soldiers wanted to get ahold of me, they would have sent me a text. Then I heard my personal phone ring, but it was lying face down on my desk and I couldn’t see who was calling. It couldn’t be a coincidence.
Mandy snatched up my phone and turned it over before I could stop her. She glanced down at the screen. Her smile told me who it was even before she pinned those cold eyes on me. “My man is calling.” She surprised me by answering it. “Hi, baby. Is this a booty call?” She laughed at Eagle’s response. “Don’t worry. I told her what to expect. She knows that when you’re done fucking her out of your system, you’ll return to me...just like always.” She laughed again and set the phone back down.
I was fairly certain that I’d heard Eagle shouting something back at Mandy, but I couldn’t be sure. I was going to be sick. I wanted to confront her, but the gun in her hand kept me silent, and I was terrified. I’d never had a gun pulled on me before, and now in less than a month it had happened twice. Was this what I could expect from being with Eagle? My life in constant turmoil and being threatened?
I was afraid to look away from Mandy. The little gun in her hand looked more like a toy than a real gun, but I didn’t want to take any chances. The desk phone finally stopped ringing, which made the office suddenly seem too quiet. Mandy just stood there, glaring down at me with a frosty look in her eyes and an expression that disfigured her pretty face. I kept willing the door to open and one of the guys to walk in, ready to jump if she made a threatening move toward me. Thank God the desk was between us.
She smiled, as if reading my thoughts.
“You think I’m crazy, don’t you? Maybe I am a little crazy.” She walked toward the corner of my desk. “I’m crazy over Max. And when he’s done using you, it will be me and him again.” I stood nervously as she rounded the corner, getting closer to me. “And you’ll just become another one of his discarded whores.”
I didn’t believe Mandy. I didn’t want to. She was certifiably crazy. She had to be. The things she was saying, the way she was acting, the gun... I didn’t know her, but I knew crazy when I saw it. Her infatuation for Eagle went beyond the norm. I didn’t know how to deal with her, afraid that anything I said or did would set her off and cause her to use her weapon. I played it smart and kept my mouth shut, praying that eventually she’d grow tired of her threats and just leave.
When it finally happened, I waited until she’d closed the office door before rushing to it and turning the lock. I released a breath of relief and leaned against the door, watching through the little window as Mandy walked to her car and drove away.
On shaky legs I made my way back to my chair and sank down into it, staring across the room at nothing. Now that the threat was over, I relaxed until I felt numb, my thoughts tripping over one another in my head as I tried to figure out what to do. I’m not sure how long I sat there staring into space, but it was the sound of motorcycles that drew me out of my daze.
I rushed back to the door and unlocked it just as Eagle reached for the knob. He opened it so hard that I was forced to step back as it hit the wall. I met Eagle’s worried eyes as he stepped through the doorway and then rushed into his arms. Mac and Snake were right behind him.
“Babe, you okay?” I nodded against his chest. His hands smoothed up and down my back as he ushered me back into the office. “We saw everything.”
“What?” I leaned away from him to meet his eyes.
He nodded toward the corner behind me. “After Mandy showed up the first time we had a camera installed for your protection.”
“Should never have been here alone,” Mac snapped, and I wasn’t sure if his anger was directed toward Mandy or towards himself for having left me alone.
“Agree, Brother,” Eagle muttered.
“She’s sick, Eagle.”
He nodded with a loud exhale. “Yeah. Found out during church that she just got released from an inpatient psychiatric hospital.”
“Why would they release a sick woman? She pulled a gun on me!”
“I know, babe,” he said. “Thank fuck it wasn’t real.” He pushed my hair behind my ears and held my gaze, a tenderness in his eyes that I hadn’t seen there before. “As soon as I saw it I recognized it as the same one I had to wrestle away from her once before.”
“That doesn’t exactly make me feel any better,” I admitted.
“We could see what was going on, but we couldn’t hear anything.”
I turned my gaze on Mac.
“What the fuck did she say?” Mac walked over to the camera, and because he was tall enough to reach it, he did something to it with his hand. “We’ll hear what goes on next time.”
I raised my eyes to Eagle again. “She said that you would pick a fight with her whenever you wanted to, um, be with another woman. Then once you, ah, fucked them out of your system you would always go back to her. Mandy said this is something you’ve done before.”
Eagle scowled. “Christ, you didn’t believe her, did you?”
“Fuck, Brother, wish you’d listened to us in the beginning,” Mac snarled, crossing his arms and glaring at Eagle, who glared right back at him. “We’ve got to find the bitch.”