Page 99 of The Keeper and I
“You are woefully naive, Tate.”
“Excuse me!” Laci interjected before either of them could continue. “All this talk is about Jordan’s feelings, but I’m the one who got hurt here.”
They looked at her, back at each other, and then at her again. She took a deep breath.
“I…yeah, I’m hurt,” she said slowly.
“So maybe it’s not Jordan who needs space,” Jax said. “Perhaps it’s you who needs to take a step back.”
“What? So I can like, lick my wounds or whatever?”
“Something like that,” Tate added. “We’re taking Dad shooting this weekend. Mum’s going to see Nan up in Nottingham. Why don’t you head to the estate? Take some time for yourself.”
“Without Jordan?” she questioned. “I’m not sure it’s safe.”
“You could take a friend if it’ll make you feel better to not go alone. But I think Jax is right. If you’re feeling hurt, maybe spend some time with yourself before opening the door to another conversation that might lead to more confusion,” Tate suggested.
“That’s quite the heel face turn you did,” she tried to joke.
“What can I say? On the rare occasions that Jax is right, he’s right,” Tate added.
She giggled as Jax rolled his eyes.
“We just want to be sure you’re feeling alright,” Jax said. “Fuck Jordan’s feelings.”
“I don’t know if I’d gothatfar,” Laci said, an amused smile threatening to break, and she reached for her soda to take a sip. “But I think I will take a few days. I met someone at the gala who’s interested in seeing the house. Maybe I’ll take her up there and use that as an excuse.”
“Excellent,” Tate replied. “And, by the way, we’re sorry you’re going through this. It’s never easy when there’s uncertainty.”
“Yeah…” she said with a deep sigh. “Thanks, guys.”
“Anytime, Lace,” Jax said, then bit into his sandwich.
Laci forced a smile and looked at Tate. “So, how did you and Britt say I love you?”
“It came out of nowhere,” Tate began. “We were out to dinner, and I was looking at her, and she looked so beautiful in the candlelight. I couldn’t help myself. I said it. She was shocked at first, but then she got this big grin on her face and she said it back. I can’t even believe how obsessed I am with this woman…”
Laci paid close attention to his words, trying not to be too disheartened that it hadn’t gone as well between her and Jordan. But maybe her brothers were right. Some time apart might be what they needed.
Chapter 26
JordanwheeledAva’ssuitcasein front of him, his body moving robotically through Heathrow, but his mind was entirely with Laci. She’d been more reserved around him since she said those three all-consuming words, and even though she had assured him he didn’t have to say them back if he wasn’t ready, he could tell she was thrown off. They hadn’t even had sex in three days.
“Hello? Earth to J.”
He blinked and looked at his sister. Her brow curled down over her eyes with a frown to match.
“Are you alright?” she asked. “You’re acting weirder than usual.”
“Fuck off,” he shot back.
“God, I wish I had a drink for every time you told me to fuck off. I’d never be sober again. What a glorious life that’d be.”
He rolled his eyes. “Look, I’m…something happened between Laci and me, and I think I fucked it up.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “What did you do?”
“Nothing! It’s what I didn’t do, or say, rather, that I think caused the problem.”