Page 98 of The Keeper and I
“Think on it,” he said.
She deflated, letting her hand fall from his cheek. “I already—”
“I know,” he said, and he tucked her hair behind her ear. “But, please, for me, reconsider. No matter where you go, for however long, I’ll be here for you. I’m yours, Laci. Hopelessly. Fucking…pathetically yours.”
A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, but it didn’t reach her eyes. She glanced around at the paintings, her likeness staring back at her, and her chest warmed. His dedication was there. It was a start.
“I see that,” she said. “In the spirit of belonging to each other, I’ll think about it some more. But, Jordan, I want you to know that no matter what I choose, it’s for me, first and foremost.”
He nodded.
As they returned to the living room to finish the movie, she wondered what it would take for him to crack himself open. She had been as vulnerable as possible with him. Was that not enough to convince him he could trust her? Was he still holding on to his hurt from his parents’ divorce? Worst of all, was there some part of him that was still convinced that would be their fate if he fully surrendered to their feelings for each other?
“Okay,” Laci said to her brothers. They had a rare afternoon where all three of them were available, so she suggested meeting for lunch. Jax looked up and nudged Tate, who looked between them for a moment before his gaze landed on Laci. She set down her fork so she could sign. “I need an opinion from a man’s perspective.”
“Trouble with Jordan?” Jax asked.
“Not trouble so much as…I dunno. I feel like we’re off step. Out of sync.”
“Seems like trouble to me,” Tate signed. “What happened?”
“I told him I’ve decided to give up the job in the States,” she explained, and they exchanged a surprised look. “With it being indefinite, it could take a toll on our relationship, and I don’t want that to happen…”
She explained everything, what she said, what he said, and what hedidn’tsay. The only thing she left out was Jordan’s paintings out of respect for his privacy.
She’d been telling herself for a week that she was fine and that she could wait for him to be ready to say “I love you” but the truth was, it stung when he didn’t say it back. Even if he had assured her of his commitment to her. Telling her brothers brought some heat to her cheeks that she hadn’t expected, but it only proved her point. Even when they were faking, she wasn’t this insecure about the relationship.
She looked at Tate. “Have you and Britt said it yet?”
“Yeah, but I said it first,” he signed. “She said it right back.”
Laci’s shoulders sagged.
“Sorry,” he added with a sympathetic look.
“Don’t be sorry. I’m happy for you,” she replied. “I…I don’t know. I feel so let down. Like he’s pulling away from me.”
“Okay, don’t freak out, but that might be the case,” Jax said.
Her eyes widened. “How am I supposed to not freak out at that?”
“Maybe he hasn’t had proper time to consider his feelings,” Jax went on. “Now that you’ve said it, I’m sure he’ll come around. You probably just surprised him.”
“I surprised Britt, too, and she did the opposite,” Tate interjected. “It seems to me like maybe you guysarea little off step. It doesn’t mean that’s the end. It means there’s things to work on, which is really an opportunity for you both to grow. Talk to him again and unpack his feelings with him.”
“Your optimism is admirable, Tate, but if she comes on that strong again, she’s gonna send him running for the hills,” Jax said. “Or the highlands, given that he’s Scottish.”
“He’s from Glasgow. This isn’t bloodyOutlander,” Laci said.
“He said he’s hers,” Tate protested. “That’s I love you in different words.”
“But it’s not I love you, is it?” Jax said. “He avoided it for a reason.”
“Which is why he may need support in discovering that reason,” Tate countered.
“He’d be better off doing that on his own. If she puts pressure on, he’s gonna freak out.”
“Not everyone is as immature as you. Jordan clearly cares deeply for Laci, and if he’s serious about her, it shouldn’t scare him,” Tate signed.