Page 163 of Stealth Mission
Chapter 62
One week later…
Willow Creek, Alabama
Summer evenings in Alabama have a certain feel. I’m beginning to recognize it.
The way the heat abates and the cool breeze soothes the land. A peace unfolding as night approaches.
The screen door creaks, but I don’t let it slap against the frame as I step onto the wrap-around porch. The quiet is too precious tonight for carelessness.
As I lower myself to sit on the top step, I draw in a breath of the earthy air. The sun is winding down. The scents aredifferent here than they are in Vandemora. No tropical blossoms fragrancing the air. No sea breezes.
The pine reminds me of college in California.
God, a lot has changed in my life since then.
So much sadness. But so much…love.
I smile as I press my face to my knees. Evan’s incredible.
I should send Mellie a message telling her I’m in love. Not just love, but LOVE.
My cheeks pinch with a smile.
Why does the world seem so much better? Like nothing but possibilities exist even though Mike is battling cancer. It still feels like there’s hope in the air.
Lana, Evan, and Mike’s voices drift softly out from the house. Their laughter wraps around me, a gift that I hadn’t admitted to myself that I was dying for. Family.
When the door opens, I don’t have to look. Evan’s stealthy, but very recognizable footfalls cross the wooden deck.
He sits down without saying a word. His long legs bumping against mine. I take his hand and lean my head against his shoulder. Every night we’ve sat here just like this.
After a while, Lana joins us, taking a seat on the far side of the stairs and leaning against the railing. She passes us two freshly opened hard ciders.
We clink and toast without a word.
Nothing needs to be said.
Everything we all need is right here right now.
I can’t ever recall this exact feeling before. It’s a bone deep peace.
“G’night guys!” Mike calls a bit later from the door.
“Night, Dad.” Lana waves and blows him a loud kiss.
Evan stands up and opens the door. He grabs the man that raised him in a bear hug.
It tears my heart up.
“See you in the morning, Dad.”
I’m not eavesdropping, but I swear Mike says, “Good luck, son.”