Page 164 of Stealth Mission
Evan murmurs something and they share a laugh. When he returns to me, he snags my hand. “Let’s go for a walk.”
“See you lovebirds tomorrow.” Lana stands up and stretches, smoothing her hands over her khaki shorts. “I’ll be expecting dinner at six, Ev.”
He cuts her a look. “Tomorrow’s your turn.”
“It’s Friday, remember, you always had Friday night dinner duty. Besides, it's your last night in town, so this is your final chance to dazzle me and Marianna with your culinary skills.”
Scrunching his nose, Evan waves his sister away. “Get out of here, it’s past your bedtime, but I got your number. I’m going to make fried green tomatoes and ham just to spite you.”
She looks horrified. “Ack! You wouldn’t.”
He wraps his arm around my neck as he looks at Lana with a cocky grin. “You know they’re great. You just like to bitch.”
Chuckling into my hair, he asks, “Marianna, what do you think?”
“Oh boy. I’m going to be caught in the middle of this one. I’ve never had siblings, but I know the deal.”
“Well?” she asks.
I shrug helplessly. “I like tomatoes, but I’ve never had fried green anything.”
Lana cocks her hip and drops her fist on it, giving me a frown. “He’s playing you, girl. They are gross.”
Evan is loving this.
“They’re delicious and you know the rule. You have to eat whatever I fix. No complaining allowed.”
She makes a face, yet she still looks elegant and beautiful. “You were always such a pain. I think there’s a clause in the rule book, I’ll have to find it tomorrow.”
Shaking her head, she stalks over and fiercely hugs him. Since he’s got his arm wrapped around my neck, it turns into a three person hug.
She gives him a smacking kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for coming home, Ev. I’ve missed the hell out of you. Dad’s so much better today.”
I can feel the weight of her words on Evan. His voice is a little choked up. “I’m glad to be here. He did seem better today. Now get home, you’ve got a big day tomorrow in court.”
“Listen to you all big-brothering me.”
She hugs me. “Have a wonderful night, Mari. I look forward to another night of telling you embarrassing stories about Ev.”
It hits me that Evan’s sister-by-choice is calling me Mari now too. It’s my new favorite thing right next to watching her tease her brother.
“Thanks for dinner and the company. It was a really nice night. I’ll be eagerly awaiting those stories.”
Lana steps back and looks at Evan. Her eyes get extra bright and she clears her throat. “Okay. Going now…You better call me tomorrow.”
When she leaves us, Evan turns me toward the sidewalk that leads to the back of the property.
“Where are we going?”
I don’t really care, but I just want to hear his warm sexy voice near my ear. We haven’t been alone for hours and I’m starting to have withdrawals.
“Gotta show you something.”
Evan’s shown me a lot. The garage where he was sleeping under a tarp when he was just a teenager. That hurt my heart.
And the rundown town of Pinebox where he was kicked out by a heartless mother.
Then he showed me all around the little town that became his home—Willow Creek. Including the school where he studied after the Walkers took him in, and the place where he wrecked his motorcycle and broke his leg when he was seventeen.