Page 165 of Stealth Mission
I loved every single place.
But when we pass the stand of pine trees and walk into an open field, I know that nothing else has even touched this.
“Oh! What? Are those firefly thingies?”
Evan wraps his arms around me with a laugh shaking his chest. “They are. We call them lightning bugs around here, though. Have you ever seen them before?”
“Only on those YouTube videos that play sleep music.”
He bites my neck and crushes me to his chest. “You’re so damned cute.”
I expect him to kiss me. A lot. But he doesn’t. Instead, he tugs my hand. “Let’s go, there’s more.”
I follow him, my eyes dancing, my heart singing a happy tune as we walk through the grassy field surrounded by thousands and thousands of lightning bugs.
“This is magical!”
“Yep, it is.”
When I catch one on my hand, I squeal. “Look!”
He stops suddenly and I bump into a wall of muscle. A throaty growl is the only warning I get before he locks his mouth against mine.
Holding my hand high to keep the little glowing bug safe, I get the full Evan effect. Rough hands, hard body, lips, tongue, and even a little teeth.
God, he kisses so freaking good.
I could write poems about the way he devours me.
This time, he goes slow. Deep. Wet. And explores every angle he can.
It melts me. Lights me up. Makes me shiver and press my knees together.
I can’t catch my breath when he lets go. “Heavens, are you trying to make my body glow too?”
“I’m trying to make you dizzy so you’ll say yes.”
He’s already pulling me along again. “Nothing.”
We walk deeper into the field, farther from the house. Finally we reach a small knoll and the little hitchhiker on my finger takes flight. I follow his light trail with my eyes until I gasp. “Oh wow! Look at that…”
I feel like a little kid, full of wonder.
There’s a broad river that’s catching the rising moon on its dark waters. I’m struck silent by the incredible beauty.
“I saved bringing you out here until it was the perfect night. The moon has to be just right. I was lucky it happened the week we’re here.”
Evan tugs me to the right, “Come here, babe.”
I barely glance down because I can’t take my eyes off the river, but when I do, I realize something’s going on.
“Did you bring a picnic out here?”
“Ohhh. This is the perfect place.”