Page 54 of Stealth Mission
Lifting her chin, she gives attitude as good as him. “Clive, tell Marcus I’ll speak to him when I’m ready, and that’s not right now.”
Clive the clown bows up like he’s gonna do something about it. I sweep Marianna behind me as I step forward with menace pumping through me.
He’s not getting close to her.
With my temper barely chained, I tilt my head, peering down at the man. “You heard the lady.”
The idiot has the nerve to slide his hand down and reach for the small of his own back. Before he can pull his weapon out, I give him a warning. “You might want to think twice about that. I’m a damned fast draw.”
The muscles in his jaw tick as his chest rises and falls rapidly. “Call your father, Marianna, don’t piss him off more than he is.”
He turns on his cowboy boots, shoves open the door to a nearby building, and disappears inside.
I let out a held breath.Fucker.Interrupting my walk with Marianna. That’s enough to earn him a black eye.
I shake my head. “His ears are smoking almost as badly as your Land Cruiser.”
She giggles and blows a hair out of her face. But Marianna looks shaken, but more angry than upset. “He’s a royal jerk.”
“I’m not sure that’s a strong enough word.” I pull her into motion. “You deal with that all the time?”
“Like I said, it’s getting worse.”
She tightens her hold on my arm. “Let’s hurry before there are any more spectacles for the townspeople to gossip about.”
I glance one more time at the door we are passing, the one where Clive took his leave to undoubtedly plan revenge for his ego being bruised. A shiny sign on the building proclaims the building to be the Karma Town Hall.
Good to know.The mayor might need a visit before long.
But a small voice inside my head reminds me not to stir up trouble I don’t need.
I have a job.And to do what I need to do, I have to keep my head straight.
When I glance down, my gaze locks on Marianna’s pretty face, the flare of her naturally red lips drawing my gaze like a magnet. But it’s more than her beauty.
That determined expression makes me wonder if it’s even going to be possible to stay out of her trouble.
I love a strong woman.
And when that woman makes my blood pump and my head swim....
Fuck.Karma might be more trouble than I thought it would be.
Chapter Twenty-One
“Thank goodness.” I blow out a breath when we reach the corner where the hotel sits. “Now I remember why I don’t come to town often.”
Walt leads me around the corner to a large truck with a matching black cap. Everything is mat-black and very military looking.
When he uses his thumbprint to unlock it, I gape. “Well, I can see your ride is a few generations and about a hundred-thousand dollars apart from mine.”
“Nothing wrong with a classic. I’ll fix that leak for you, by the way.”
Another surprise from this man. “Why would you do that?”
“Because I want to help you.”
He offers a hand.