Page 55 of Stealth Mission
I stare at his offered palm, suspiciously.
He waves his fingers inviting me to join him. “Let’s take a drive so we can talk.”
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you that there could be problems.”
“I’ll deal.”
Strong hands wrap around my waist as Walt easily hoists me into the truck. Just like last night, he buckles me up. Tugging the belt to make sure it’s tightly fastened before he steps back.
The flutters in my muscles return.
Girl, what am I doing?
I can’t believe I got in his vehicle here. Anyone could see us. It’s not smart. My life will only cause more trouble for an innocent man.
“I think so.”
“Why the nerves, babe?”
I swallow, trying to knock my nerves down like I’m playing Whack-A-Mole.
“You wanted a vacation, instead you got sucked into my mess with my father. I need to quit pretending that I’m a normal girl. Like I can just go on a date with anyone.”
His head tilts. An almost smile brightens his eyes. “I see.”
“Wait. This isnota date.”
“Okay. I’m good either way.”
A velvet sword. His voice slices me open, cracking a barrier I didn’t even know I had erected.
Drats. Dammit. Now what have I done?
I blurt, “We’re just going to talk.”
“Was that a question?”
“No. Not a question. It was a statement.”
He grins and closes my door.
Oh my god. Oh. My. God.
I cover my eyes with my hand until the truck sways and his door closes. He smells so good.
I pinch my lips and try like hell not to drag in a big breath of the cool minty scent of him.
For a beat, he taps his fingers on the wheel, then with a shake of his head he starts the engine. He doesn’t look my way when he backs out of the parking space. Instead, he flicks on the sound system.
Heavy metal music comes out of the speakers, making me laugh. “That’s definitely not a radio station around here.”
“That’s on my phone. It’s connected by Bluetooth.” He reaches for the volume knob. “Sorry it was so loud, I was trying to keep myself awake when I was driving.”
His eyes do look tired.