Page 23 of Dangerous Mission
Plastic crinkles when it bounces off my chest and lands on the floor.
The only light in the building is from a small emergency exit sign which must have a battery because I’m pretty sure the electrical system in the place would be fried.
But I can see that package as clear as day.
“Oreos!” A laugh bursts out of me. “I want to kiss you right now. These are going to taste like heaven.”
My stomach lets out a grumble as I grab the pack off the floor and climb up to sit on the desk like I own the place. Not the crazy woman I feel like.
I’m so excited to eat, I can hardly get the wrapper open.
"I haven’t had these in ages. Who would have guessed they’d have them in Vandemora?”
He makes a gruff sound. When I glance at him,he’s tearing open a package of Twinkies with his teeth. Staring at me.
Right at me.
Yeah, that’s not sexy. Not at all.
Lie, girl, lie.
My face suddenly feels like it’s windburned.
Scout burned.
I’m losing it over here. Maybe it’s my blood sugar.
Thank god, I finally win the battle and get the wrapper open. Otherwise I might melt into a puddle and flow off the desk onto the floor.
Keeping my head down, I carefully take a bite of a cookie, restraining myself so I don’t scarf it like a piggy, even though I want to inhale those little cream filled devils.
That would be mortifying.
I duck my head and chew, making sure to keep my mouth closed, my groans of pleasure at bay, and my hand tight on the other cookies so I don’t have to eat them off the floor if they fall.
Because I would.
I so would.
Scout would probably tell my brother. I’d never live that down.
When I pop the second cookie in my mouth, I close my eyes and savor it. So freaking good.
The lunch I ate when we stopped to refuel the plane was burned up hours ago. All the stress didn’t help. I probably plowed through five-thousand calories alone when I was fighting that horrible man.
The man Scout took out.
Okay, no thinking about that whole nightmare.
Think about chocolate.
Or chocolate food product and white waxy filling that somehow works its way into your heart and not in the heart disease way. The way where you can’t explain why seeing the package just makes you happy…
Humans are weird.