Page 24 of Dangerous Mission
I’m squarely included in that camp and I’m thinking Scout is too since he’s making a sound of pleasure in his throat as he eats Twinkies. A lot of them.
When he’s finished, he mutters, “Fuck, I needed that.”
I crumple up the empty Oreo wrapper and look over at him…
Just in time to watch him face plant on the floor.
Chapter Twelve
I leap off of the desk so fast, my feet tangle on themselves sending me to my knees on the carpet. “Scout! Oh my god, Scout!”
He’s motionless.
Think, Aria!
ABC… Airway, breathing, clothing?
No! No, that’s not it. Airway, breathing, circulation. You know CPR, for Christ’s sake.
I’m a trained rescue diver.
But this… this isfreaking me out!
Hands hovering over him, I can’t figure out where to touch him. I whisper, “Scout, can you hear me?”
He sighs.
Is thatgood?
I lean over, hold my wet hair back and put my face as close as I can to his face.
His eyelids flutter. Soft, warm puffs of air cross my skin.
He’s breathing.Thank, god.
“Are you okay?”
His sigh is deeper this time, rumbling from somewhere deep in his chest. I think this is a good sound, but…
What if I’m wrong?
Panic makes my heart rate spike again. My hand is trembling when I rest it on his back. The muscles beneath his wet T-shirt are warm and sculpted.
“Are you sleeping?”
One gravelly word.
I sag and close my eyes. He’s so tired he collapsed.
I’m right there with him. If you’re listening, God, no more scares tonight. This girl needs a break.
Carefully, I pull my hand back and look at Scout. Reallylookat him. As if you could when a lion was locked behind glass.
Thick, dark beard covers a strong jaw. His lashes are short, dense and black as ink. A faint white scar crosses the bridge of his nose. Another on the crest of his cheek. Small crinkle-lines fan out at the corners of his eyes. A deep furrow scores between two masculine brows.
I fight myself for a few seconds, avoiding looking at his lips.