Page 67 of Never Fall Again
“I’m leaving now.”
Landry leaned toward the phone. “Gray, excuse me, but do you have something I need to hear?”
“Sorry, Landry, but no. I wanted to bounce a few things off Cal. When you blow the sawdust out of his ears, he has an excellent mind for law enforcement.”
Landry laughed. Cal was less than amused. “If you don’t have anything important to say, then I’m disconnecting this call now.”
“Have a good night, Landry.”
Cal hit the end button before Gray could say anything else that might cement Cal’s need to strangle his former best friend.
“Do you really think there’s nothing I need to know?” Landry asked.
“If he has anything important to say, I’ll let you know.”
“Thank you.”
“Okay. So, I’m headed out.” Cal walked to the door. Landry followed him, and when he stepped outside, she waited at the door.
He turned to her. “Gotta be honest. I don’t want to leave.”
Landry’s skin turned pink, and she looked down at her phone but didn’t respond.
He didn’t say anything else. Just turned and walked to his truck.Idiot. Couldn’t leave wellenough alone. Messed it up big.
“Cal?” He could hear the anxiety in her voice. He’d put that there. He stopped but didn’t turn around.
He heard footsteps, then felt a small hand on his arm. “Cal?”
“Thank you.”
“Anytime.” He meant it. He also needed to get away from her.
“Will you text me when you get home? Let me know you made it?”
“Okay. Thanks.” Before she dropped her hand, she leaned closer and whispered, “You have no idea how much I wish you could stay.” She ran inside, then closed and locked the door.
Cal climbed into his truck, cranked the engine, and stared at Landry’s door. He had no idea what he was doing. He didn’t think Landry knew either. And for tonight, leaving well enough alone was the best outcome.
Before he drove away from The Haven, he read the text messages that waited for him.
From his mother in a group text with his father:
Cal? If you don’t answer your phone, I’m sending out a search party. Where are you?
Ten minutes later:
I’ve messaged Mo.