Page 68 of Never Fall Again
From Mo:
Aunt Carol is losing her mind. Call your mother, you idiot.
From Meredith:
Cal? Are you okay? Is Landry? How’s Eliza? Call me. I need details.
From Chad:
Call me.
From Connor:
Call me.
From Connor in a group text with Chad:
Are you seriously at Landry’s and not answering the phone? You’ve got some explaining to do, bro.
From his father in the group text with his mother:
Mo tells us your phone is at The Haven. Chad tells us you were following Landry home. I’m assuming you’re still there, but fair warning...your mother is calling Gray.
And that explained why Gray had called Landry.
He typed a quick text.
Leaving Landry’s. Wanted to make sure Eliza was settled. Headed to Gray’s office. Will text more later. Love you.
He copied it and sent it to his mom, dad, brothers, Meredith, and Mo.
Then he waited. No real surprise that Mo called him first. He answered the call with no greeting. “Did you track my phone?”
“You had the entire family in an uproar.” Mo wasn’t the least bit apologetic. “I thought Aunt Carol was going to cry when she called me. Who finally got you to answer the phone?”
“No one. Gray called Landry.”
Mo’s laughter almost made this entire debacle worthwhile. He was still laughing when Cal heard Meredith’s voice asking, “Isthat Cal? What’s so funny?” Then she was on the phone. “I put you on speaker. What’s wrong with you? You can’t disappear after a masked gunman was in the park. How could you not expect a general roll call? I hope Aunt Carol has called Granny Quinn. And what has Mo laughing?”
“Is that laughter? Sounds like he’s trying to pass a kidney stone.”
“Cal! This is serious.” Meredith’s words were intense, but her laughter ruined her efforts to bring any sort of decorum to the situation.
Cal’s phone beeped. It was Chad. “Mer, Chad’s calling. Get Mo to fill you in.” He swapped over to Chad’s call before Meredith could respond. “How’s Abby?”
“Sacked out. Seems to be fine. How’s Eliza?”
Cal let the silence stretch.
“You talked to Mom yet?”
“No. Sent her a text. Before I could call anyone, Mo called. Then you.”
“Call Mom.”
Chad disconnected. Cal spoke into the silence. “Hey, Siri, call Mom’s mobile.”