Page 43 of Beast: Part Two
Not long after, we pull up to a high-rise apartment complex. Before getting here, we stopped at the building across the way to let Zel out. Closing my door behind me, I scan the street around us. Nothing looks out of place, but I pay attention to all the cars parked near the front of the building. They are all vacant and there are no work vans anywhere around.
Priest walks up to my left adjusting his jacket. “Are you sure Lucien got the cameras on loop?”
Seth pulls out his phone and looks down at something. “Yep, we’re all clear,” he says replacing the phone in his pocket.
“Good. Beast and I will take the elevator up. Seth, you and Maksim wait about five minutes and take the stairs.”
“Got it,” Seth replies.
“Zel, you keep your eyes open and let us know if anything looks out of place,” Priest says leading the way into the building.
We break off once inside. Priest and I go to the elevator leaving Maksim and Seth in the lobby. We make it to thetop floor and then march down the hall toward the Cardinal’s apartment.
I didn’t have many dealings with Cardinals. Most of the people at the Church wanted as little interaction with me as possible. I didn’t blame them. I do know that the Cardinals tend to get soft in their later years. Being so far removed from the fieldwork of Deacons, it made sense they weren’t as sharp as we were. However, I also know that once a killer always a killer. It’s like riding a bike. So, by no means will this be easy. Which is why the moment Priest, and I stopped in front of the door, I pulled out my weapon.
Priest puts his ear to the door and listens. He gives me a subtle head shake letting me know he didn’t hear anything. He then steps back and reaches into the pocket of his suit jacket to retrieve two sharp tools. He sticks them both in the lock and starts to fiddle. It takes him less than three seconds to jiggle the handle and for it to click. Replacing his tools in his pocket, he pulls his gun out his back holster.
Slowly opening the door, he steps into the apartment with me on his heels. It takes only seconds to realize no one is home.
“The place is empty,” he says out loud for the others to hear.
“I say we wait it out,” Zel replies. “Lucien has recent footage of him still using the place as his main residence. He’ll come back.”
“I agree with, Zel,” Seth adds and from the way his voice echoes you can tell he’s in a stairwell.
Priest looks around at the apartment. It’s obvious the place is occupied and judging by the empty wine glass on the side table, he’s been here recently.
“Alright, we’ll wait.”
Before Priest could finish his statement, I hear footsteps outside the door. Placing a finger to my lips, I turn in the direction of the door. An older man with dark blonde shorthair and brown eyes steps into the apartment carrying a paper grocery bag. The moment he spots us, true fear crosses his face.
“Hey, Watson. It’s been a while,” Priest says.
Watson drops the bag sending vegetables and canned goods across the floor. He takes off running. I follow.
“He’s on the move,” Priest’s voice comes through my earpiece. Cardinal Watson looks over his shoulder as he fires a shot at me.
“Gun,” I shout to Priest as I easily dodge the barrage of bullets.
Watson goes to the elevator and jabs the down button. However, I guess he realizes that it would never get here in time before I catch him. He shoots at me again, slowing down my pursuit as I have to dodge being shot. The bullet lodges in the wall near my head.
He takes off around the corner. Picking up my pace, I round the corner but quickly jump back as another bullet comes flying in my direction.
Peeking my head around the side of the wall, I notice he’s running again. I take off after him. He looks over his shoulder, eyes wide in fear.
However, he’s not paying attention and runs smack into Seth who has just emerged from the stairwell. Watson falls to the ground, his gun hitting the floor and sliding away.
“Well, hello, Cardinal.” Seth sneers down at him.
“You are no longer a member of the Church. You have no authority here,” Watson spits out at Seth.
Seth snorts before pulling his gun out and pressing the barrel to Watson’s forehead. “You think I give a fuck about your protocols?”
“Easy, Seth,” Priest says, stepping up beside me.
Watson looks over his shoulder and glares at Priest. “You never did have control over these mongrels.”
Priest smiles. “I’m going to make this simple. All you have to do is answer a few questions and we will be out of your way. That’s not too hard, is it?”