Page 44 of Beast: Part Two
“I’m not telling you shit,” Watson snarls.
Priest laughs. “Oh, you will tell me. You won’t be happy about it, but you will tell me. Get his ass up.”
Seth grabs Watson off the floor and hauls him to his feet. He shoves him in the back and Watson falls into my chest. He looks up at me and cringes before stepping back. Seth grabs his arm and drags him back to the apartment. Once inside we shut the door. Seth pushes Watson down onto the recliner in the living room.
Priest takes a seat on the end of the coffee table right in front of him.
“I always knew you were Luca’s lap boy. I should have known you were his records’ keeper. You two rode each other’s dicks so hard I was always amazed neither of you got pregnant.”
Watson’s top lip pulls back showcasing his teeth. “Don’t you speak our Pope’s name. I know you had something to do with his death. Even if this excommunication order wasn’t already in play, I would have made sure the truth was revealed.”
Priest chuckles. “You think I killed my brother?”
“Half-brother,” Watson snarls. “He told me how your mother was a whore.”
Priest tilts his head to the side. It’s the only tell he has when he’s beyond pissed.
The smile on his face contradicts how I know he really feels. “I’m going to let that remark pass only because I know how your day is going to end. I’m still on the fence on which son I’ll let finish you.”
Watson’s eyes balloon once again when he looks over at me. He thinks I’ll be worse than Seth. I most likely will, but Seth won’t be a day in the park.
“I won’t tell you anything,” he declares, lifting his chin higher.
Priest leans back and pulls out his cellphone. He clicks a few buttons, and it starts to ring with a FaceTime call.
“You found him?” Albany says as soon as she answers.
“Yep,” Priest replies. “He’s all yours.” He flips the phone around.
Watson shoots up from his seat when he realizes who is on the other end of the line. Maksim shoves him back down in the chair.
“This can’t be. She’s dead,” Watson shouts.
“Surprise,” Albany laughs. “I’ve been resurrected. Now, Watson, an excommunication order was signed on my husband and his sons. Who signed the bill?”
Watson shakes his head. “I don’t know.”
“You do know,” Albany argues. “You were there the day it was signed.”
He scoffs shaking his head. “You don’t know anything. A record keeper doesn’t sit in on meetings of the Pope. That’s not how that works.”
“Then tell me how it works?”
He shakes his head again. “I’m not tellingyouanything. Your skills won’t work on me.”
They all say that. Everyone likes to believe that Albany’s talent will never work on them. They think they are immune. They are always wrong.
“You’re right,” she sighs. “I’m sorry Priest, but I don’t think he’s going to crack. You’re going to have to find the copy of the EO to figure out who signed it. Watson is just too loyal to Pope to give us anything.”
“Maybe we should start looking here,” Seth says.
“No, I think we should check his office at headquarters,” Priest adds.
The entire time they are talking, Priest keeps the phone facing Watson.
“I would never hide important documents in my home,” Watson laughs as if we are all idiots. “You are wasting your time here. And if you think you will be able to waltz into Church headquarters—”
“They’re at his house,” Albany says cutting him off.