Page 105 of Bedlam
“Do you think that lady from the institution was your mom?” I ask and she shakes her head.
“No, I’ve been reading my mothers diary. It’s filled with a lot of answers and a lot that still needs to be answered. Dario and Jameson’s dad, along with Flynn, were in a relationship with my mom just like we are, and she fell pregnant before she was out of highschool.” She says and my eyes widen.
“Holy shit. For real?” I ask and she nods.
“According to the diary, everyone was in love until she told them she was pregnant, then Dalton tried to force her to get rid of it. Armando was a prick and wanted her to keep it but the both of them were already fathers to Jamie and Rio. So my mother ran away with Flynn to Ireland and had twins.” She says and I stop, the last word she says hanging in the air.
“Did you say what I think you just said? Twins? What the fuck, Jade?” I say, completely stunned.
“Yep, I have a twin sister named Jocelyn and I have no idea who she is. Or what truly happened. What I do know is that my mother is a twin, and her sister was a cunt who dated Big John for a while, which I also found out was because he was too afraid to ask my mom out and went for second best.” She says, kicking rocks under her feet.
“Holy fucking shit. Do Jay and Ri know?” I ask and she shakes her head.
“Rio knows a little bit from the conversation I had with Armando before I killed him. Jamie has no idea. I want more answers before I bring it to the table. I haven't had time to read more, but the last thing I did read was that my mom wanted out of Ireland.She gave Flynn an ultimatum and was ready to go hide out at the Clubhouse. Which would make sense being that’s the place I was raised and the only place I know as home, but where me and my sister were separated is a mystery and I’m not sure I believe Armando. You know The Aces and how they love to manipulate everything.” She says and I nod.
“Yes, yes I do. Fuck, babe. That's a lot to carry. Why didn’t you tell us? We could’ve helped put the pieces together. You’re not alone in this anymore.” I remind her and she nods.
“I know Babyboy, I’m human and make mistakes. I also have to get used to you guys taking care of me and being in this with me rather than feeling alone all the time.” She confesses.
“We will continue to fuck up. This won’t be the first or the last. As long as we do it together, we will overcome everything that comes our way. You hear me?” I say cupping her face.
“Yes, I know.” She says.
“Okay, here we are. You stay put. I'll be right back.” I say.
“If I get murdered out here, it’s your fault.” She shouts and I laugh.
“I’m not going far.” I shout back as I round the bend and flick the metal box open, lifting the switch. Music starts playing as the Merry-Go-Round comes to life, spinning as it lights up. I jog back over to where she’s standing and wrap my arms around her waist, rubbing her growing bump.
“It’s so fucking beautful, Reid.” She says, mesmerized at the ride’s beauty despite how long it’s been closed.
“So fucking beautful.” I whisper looking right at her. She side eyes me as her cheeks redden.
“I’m talking about the ride, fucker.” She laughs.
“I know, but I was definitely talking about you, babe. Wanna take a ride with me?” I ask and she nods, taking my hand. I press the button for the ride to slow down, helping her get on, then hop on myself. She climbs on a horse and I lean next to the one she's on.
“So, this is your favorite place, huh?” She asks meand I nod.
“When things were bad at home, my mother would take me and my siblings here for some fun. Despite my fathers wishes. She was the only person that let us be kids and enjoy ourselves. She would get together with Charlotte and Alexandra to bring us here so we could play freely. Every so often we would bring Amelia. This place was my escape from hell for a few hours, and this ride was where my mother told us to hide the last time we were here, when my fathers men came to get us. I have more happy memories here than I do bad. But after that day, this place was shut down for good and I know deep down in my heart, it was his doing. He also beat the shit out of her when we got back. Me and my siblings were punished in the barn with Ri and Jameson. So when I say this, just know I truly mean it.” I say as my eyes collide with hers. Tears fall down her eyes as I go to her, wiping them away.
“Thank you for killing him. I’m not mad, sad or resentful that you did it. You did what you needed to protect the ones you love.Would I have liked it to be more brutal? Yes. But you did good, baby. So thank you for freeing me and saving me all at once.” I say as more tears pour down her face.
“I’ll always protect you and our family. I couldn't bring our babies into a world where they shared the same air as them. I just couldn't, and the opportunity was right there, plus you know me. I’m trigger happy when pushed.” She says, rubbing her belly.
“Here, I have two surprises for you. You want A or B?” I ask as her eyes light up.
“Ummm, B.” She chooses. I take the envelope out of my right pocket and hand it to her. She opens it, taking out the document. She gasps, covering her mouth with her hand.
“You did this?” She asks and I nod.
“He’s truly and officially ours?” She asks again and I nod again.
“Jaxon Rodriguez Rivers. All you need to do is sign where I have the arrow.” I say, digging into my jacket pocket for a pen and handing it to her. She takes it and signs on the dotted line.
“Fuck yes. I’m so fucking happy. Thank you. Thank you so much, Babyboy.” She says, holding the birth certificate to her chest.
“That’s not all baby. Here’s the next one.” I say handing it to her. She takes it, ripping it open and this time tears stream down her face. She looks at me and hops down off the horse. I grip her hips so she doesn't fall, but she pulls my shirt down, standing on her tippy toes.