Page 104 of Bedlam
“Definitely. Just not today. Is that alright?” I ask and he nods with a smile, cupping my face as he presses his lips against mine.
“I respect you, I‘d never push you, not with that at least.” He laughs and I shake my head, swimming away from him towards the stairs. Climbing out, I grab a warm towel and wrap it around my body as he follows.
“Let’s go eat. I’m fucking starving.” I say and he laughs, raising a brow.
“Pizza?” He asks and I give him a thumbs up. He takes his phone out as I hang the wet towel on the rack along with Jaxon’s life vest.
“I’m going to take a quick shower.. I’ll meet you downstairs?” I ask and he looks up from his phone and nods with a wink. Between him and Jade, I’ll never understand how I got so lucky.
The sun set about an hour ago as we drive down the long, winding deserted road. The place I’m taking her is my favorite spot to go. It’s been over ten years since it was shut down, but electricity still runs to certain rides, especially the Merry-Go-Round.
“Thank you for taking me out tonight. I feel like we’ve all been so busy adjusting to life that we haven’t gotten any alone time.” She states and I nod.
“Well, my little Wifey, I’m taking you to my favorite place in the whole wide world. It’s not much, but this place means a lot to me.” I smile, grabbing her hand, giving it a squeeze.
“Now I thought your favorite place was deep inside me. Oh,I’m wounded.” She laughs holding her heart.
“Oh Babygirl, that definitely is. Don’t get it twisted. This is just–” She interrupts.
“I’m just kidding, Babyboy. If this place means something to you, then it means something to me, and I’m honored that you want to share it with me.” She says as we make a right down a bumpy, dark, dirt road.
“I should’ve taken Jay’s Ram. Dirty his truck up instead of the Charger.” I say and she laughs.
“But then we’d haveto hear his mouth bitching all about it, forever. We still hear about his damn laptop and PC being left in the garage. It’s fucking climate controlled. Idiot.” She says making fun of him.
“This is true.” I laugh as we come up to the deserted run down parking lot, driving right for the metal barriers that surround the old ‘Clownland Amusement Park’.
“Holy shit, I remember this place. It’s been shut down for years.” She says excitedly, her eyes lighting up.
“Yep. You are correct, my beautiful wife.” I say, kissing the ring on her finger. Her cheeks blush every single time I call her wife. Tonight I want to see what happens when I say that while inside her.
She gets out and leans against the hood. I shut off the car and get out to join her.
“Come on.” I say, grabbing her hand, leading her through the tall brush.
“They always made the best funnel cakes and lemonade. No other theme park could compete.” She says as we walk through all the deserted rides and food shacks.
“They certainly did, but nothing could beat the deep fried oreos with the drizzled marshmallow topping.” I say and she laughs.
“What was your favorite ride here?” She asks and I laugh, loving how happy and free she looks.
“Well, Babygirl, I’m about to show you. What was yours?” I ask and she points.
“That one.” She says and my stomach flips.
“Really, The Zipper? No way. Every time I got on that, I puked. I can’t do rides that go upside down.” I say and she laughs at me.
“Weak stomach, aye?” She accuses.
“Hey, don’t make fun of me. I’ll do roller coasters and rides that shoot you up so high in the sky you feel like your ass is going to fall out, but something that I’m caged in, flipping repeatedly, is a hard pass for sure.” I say and she laughs.
“Okay, okay I get it.” She smirks as we round the Teacups and House of Mirrors.
“The House of Mirrors creeped me the fuck out. I always get lost in there. I would end up crying and my brothers would laugh.” She sighs.
“Did your mom take you here?” I ask and she nods.
“It was a yearly tradition. Right before summer ended we would come here as kids for the Labor Day fireworks until she died.” She says and I stop her.