Page 49 of Bedlam
I blink, narrowing my eyes at the screen. That motherfucker lied to us. I’m going to fucking kill him.
Me: You’re dead! Run and hide you little Irish prick, because the Kings are coming for you. See you soon.
Slim: Message undelivered.
He fucking blocked me. Such a fucking coward move. Climbing out of bed, I grab my cane and walk to the bathroom to take a leak. Then I need to tell the guys that Jade's alive.Thank God. I knew she wasn’t gone!I fucking knew it, and I can’t wait to throw it in Spade’s face. Flushing the toilet, I leave her room and head for the elevators. Yelling greets my ears and I try to walk faster, slamming my fingers into the button. If I could just run down the fucking stairs, I would, but for Christ’s sake, my ribs scream in agony with every fucking step. I really should take the pain pills.Why suffer when she’s alive? Now I have something to live for.
The elevator doors swing open as I hobble in, pressing the damn button for the main level. Tapping my foot impatiently, the elevator moves and the doors finally open again as the voices get even louder. Stepping out, I walk down the hallway, bypassing the living room and coming to a complete stop as I enter the kitchen. My eyes narrow as I take in some random guy Ryder is currently yelling at.
“Who the fuck is this?” I ask as they both turn towards me. What has me moving again though, is the green-eyed beauty standing against the island, looking me up and down. I don’t realize I’m moving until I’m in front of her, caging her in as I inhale her scent.
“Fuck, Kitten. I’m so glad to see you.” I growl, gripping her hips, but she pushes me away.
“Um, who the fuck are you? Why are all these strange men in my fucking house?” She yells, pressing a gun to my chest.
“Whoa, what the fuck do you mean, ‘strange men’?” I ask, she narrows her eyes, pressing the barrel of the gun deeper into my chest, causing me to wince.
“I come home and there are men I don’t know just living in my house. So answer the question. Why the fuck are you here?” She spits.
“Jade, you know me and Spade. Why are you playing games? And who the fuck is this guy?” I say, pointing to the blonde smirking at me.
“I don’t have to explain shit to you.” She sasses and I take a step closer, trying to cage her in again, but she cocks the gun.
“Jade, put the gun away. I’m not going to hurt you. Jesus Christ we thought you were dead. What the fuck?” I say, throwing my hands up, then immediately regretting it as the cane hits the floor. Ryder moves quickly and picks it up, handing it to me. I wince as my ribs continue to scream at me.
“I don’t have time for this. I spent a million hours on the jet and I just want to go to sleep.” She says, but I shake my head.
“You seriously don’t know who I am? Or Spade?” I question, and she shakes her head.
“I’m sorry, I don’t. Which one are you? Jameson or Dario? I’ve been told about all of you. I just don’t fucking remember.” She huffs, releasing the gun and placing it on the island.
“I’m Dario, Kitten. Go get some rest. I’ll be up there in a minute.” I say, and her eyes widen.
“What do you mean you’llbe up in a minute?” She says, placing a hand on her luscious hip, and I shake my head.
“I’ve been sleeping in your bed and that isn’t going to change. And this motherfucker sure as fuck isn’t getting in bed with you.” I growl.
“Too late, Fabio.” He chides and I spin, grabbing him by the collar, slamming him into the nearest wall. He groans on impact as Jade tries to pull me off.
“Listen here prick, you lay a finger on my girl, and I’ll break every single fucking one of them. Better yet, I’ll pull a Jamesonand cut them right from your fucking body. You understand me?” I spit and he smiles wide.
“Dario, stand down.” Ryder commands and I let him go as Jade takes off towards the stairs.
“Kane, you can take a spare bedroom. I’m going to shower and sleep for eternity.” She says.I watch her ass bounce as she climbs the stairs slowly before turning back to me as I adjust my hardening cock.
“Um, where are my dogs?” She asks, looking around.
Spade & Dario
The sad look they all gave me was all I needed to know. I run up two flights of stairs, holding my hand over my mouth as I rush to my bedroom and into my bathroom, barely making it to the toilet. I spill my guts into the bowl, heaving as tears form in my eyes. Heaving a few more times, my stomach finally settles as hands pull my hair away from my face.
“It’s okay, Babygirl. You’ve had a long day.” He says, rubbing my back gently. I don’t even look up to see which one it is, but my heart can’t take disappointing everyone more than I already have. Not being able to remember anything about these guys really hurts my heart.