Page 86 of Bedlam
My heart is so fucking full and I can’t wait to find out what the sex of our babies is.
It’s only up from here.
Appointments & Confessions
A week later…
Sitting at the OBGYN, my knee shakes as we wait to be seen. Today we finally get to see the twins, find out the gender, and the DNA results. To say I’m nervous is an understatement. I want these babies to be riddled with my blood so bad, but we have our whole lives ahead of us, and I know if they aren’t biologically mine, those babies are still my kids. No matter the parent. Then I’ll have to work a little harder on getting her pregnant after she has these two.
Me and the guys have talked on numerous occasions and if we thought Jade was breathtaking prior to pregnancy, she’s even more radiant now and her sexual hunger has been ramped up times a million, and I can’t get enough of it. Jay is disappointedthat he doesn’t get to have her cycles, so we agreed he gets her first one after the babies are born, then we will get right to it. I have to adjust myself discreetly in the middle of the waiting room because thinking of my wife pregnant and thick in all the right areas, makes me thirsty as fuck for her.
A small hand placed on my knee takes me out of my thoughts.
“Why are you so jumpy? I’m the one who's going to be poked and prodded in there, not you, Babyboy. Chill out.” She whispers, nudging my shoulder.
“Sorry, it’s a big day for all of us and I’m just excitedly nervous.” I whisper back with a small smile. Hoping a little hand squeeze can reassure my wife.
“Mrs. Rivers?” A nurse calls out and we all stand as the little lady stares at us with wide eyes.
“All of you in one small room?” She quirks a brow.
“I’d like to request the biggest room in the facility, I’m Jameson Callaghan, ma’am.” He says, putting his hand out for her to shake.
“Oh, my apologies, Mr. Callaghan. Let’s get you all to the correct place.” She flusters and Jade rolls her eyes.
“Must you always pull the ‘I have money’ card?” She asks, smacking him in the chest. He stands up straighter and lifts her chin to look up at him.
“You get the world, Princess. If I have money to spend, I’ll spend it. Now get that sexy pregnant ass in that room and let’s see our babies.” He orders and she smiles, grabbing my hand as we follow the nurse down the corridor.
“Get used to being spoiled, Kitten. We’ve never had a reason to spend money on things other than for ourselves.” Ri whispers.
“I’m a big girl though. I can buy shit myself and I don’t need to throw around my last name to get what I want.” She says and he shakes his head.
“One day soon, I want you to throw the Flynn name around and see where it takes you.” I say and her eyes snap up to mine.
“No way,” she laughs, “That could get me a bullet in the head.” She shakes her head.
“Hardly, Babygirl. Bet it gets you further than you think.” I wink.
The nurse gathers us like cattle and has Jade sit on the bed, ordering her to strip from the waste down and the doctor will be in shortly.
“Boys, behave yourselves. Don’t go feral because my cooterbug is hanging out.” She laughs and I choke. Jay has a look of disgust on his face as Ri is looking everywhere but at her.
“Princess, please do not call that tight little cunt a ‘cooterbug’. Jesus.” He says and I laugh so fucking hard with Jade.
“I fucking love you, Babygirl. You ready for this?” I ask, and she nods.
“I love you too Babyboy, and yes, I’m so ready for this.” She says excitedly as a knock hits the door and a small lady with bright red hair enters the room.
“Jade, I’m Griselda, a long time friend of your fathers.” She says with a thick accent.
“It’s nice to meet you, Griselda.” Jade replies.
“Lay back, dear. Let’s get a look at these babies. Can you lift your shirt up? I’m going to apply some jelly, it will feel cold at first, but you will be fine.” She assures Jade as she does just that, taking a wand-like thing and swiping it along her little bump.