Page 93 of Bedlam
“Babygirl, watch your six.” Spade yells into the coms. I send a death star into the guy's throat behind me, reveling in the sound of him choking on his own blood which gives Kayla the perfect time to punch me upside my head and slice down the back of my shoulder. I scream from the pain, again letting my opponent think she’s got me where she wants me. She kicks me in the back, laughing as she’s still spewing her bullshit.
“You can never reign as queen. Everything you touch dies. Giving you to the council is a mistake. The Mozorov’s will overpower the army and take everything that was built right from under you. Just like I have been doing all along.” She taunts as she steps closer, I spin, sending a quick jab to her nose as she wraps her hand around my throat, forcing my eyes to gowide. I move my hands quickly, her eyes so set on mine as I grip both of my daggers, slowly pulling them from my holster as I hold her gaze and smile.
“You didn’t take shit, bitch. You’re nothing but the pawn.” I whisper as I slowly sink the sharp metal up into her stomach. She gasps, stumbling back as I pull them out, twirling them in my hand as blood sprays against the beautiful white snow.
“Never mess with a Queen,” I spit, raising my arms and sending both daggers flying down into her chest.
Ripping the blades out as she falls to her knees in the snow, her eyes lock with mine and I smirk.
“Checkmate, cunt!”I scream in her face as I slice both daggers across her throat in one quick movement, watching the life seep from her eyes as the blood drains from her neck. I crouch down, ripping her shirt open, and take a new knife, slicing through her chest. I don’t stop until I have her dead fucking heart in my hands. My gaze is torn from her lifeless body as I hear my name being screamed. I stand as the trees start to spin.
Looking down, I feel a burning sensation crawling up my thigh and notice a dark gray syringe sticking out of my meaty flesh. Seconds later, my head smashes into the cold snow and the last thing I see is Spade reaching for me.
Injectables The Maker Stole
“Fuck.” I curse, pulling at my hair as I turn this cabin upside down, looking for the antidote. “Shit!”I know she has it. She always fucking has it. This is a fucking mess.I hate this, and once again, it’s my fault. “Fuck.” I should’ve known better than to trust her with helping make all these injectables.It didn't matter that it’s my recipe. All of it is mine. She stole everything. Fucking cunt.
“Where would she hide them all?” I yell, lifting the glass coffee table and hauling it across the room.
For some reason, I wasn’t affected by the numerous darts that hit me. Whatever she filled them with, did absolutely nothing to me.I felt nothing. Maybe it was a dud, maybe she got it wrong. Ha ‘The Maker’ finally crumbles.
It feels like I’ve been searching this fucking cabin for hours and getting nowhere when in reality its only been minutes, butthe window is closing. I just need the fucking pink antidote. “Think, Jameson. Think, you fucking moron.”
I don’t know what she thought she was doing stabbing Jade with the charcoal gray one we named, ‘Devil Juice’. That one gives you adrenaline and snaps you right out of the hallucination.Fucking dumb bitch.That was made specifically for us to use on ourselves to make us stronger through a fight, or if we were injected with something else. There’s a twenty minute window where we are able to inject ourselves with Devil’s Juice and pop right out of it all. The antidotes are always freezing when you inject them. It’s like ice flowing through your veins instead of the usual burning feeling.
I’m such a fucking idiot. I stomp over to the fridge, swing it open, and there they are. All the fucking injections I need. Grabbing a bunch of the pink and gray ones, I run outside and start stabbing my brothers and Ryder, one by one.
First the pink into the neck, and the gray into the chest. Simultaneously they pop up and start flipping the fuck out, talking a mile a minute.
“I need you all to chill out. I know that’s hard to do. The chemicals in the antidote, and the other injection in your system, are counteracting one another on top of giving you a massive hit of adrenaline. Try to focus specifically on Jade. If you can’t handle the rush, run around for a couple of minutes, yell, scream. I don’t care, but I need you three to focus. We have to get the fuck out of here and bring both Jade and Ryker with us.” I holler as they run around like chickens with their heads cut off. The mumbling of incoherent words makes me laugh. They’re like little lab rats running around a maze.
I take pliers from the shed and head over to Rykers' hanging body as Spade lifts Jade from the snow and places her on the snowmobile.
“I’m going to take her down to your truck. Does she need anything?” He asks and I shake my head.
“She will be fine, just prepare yourself for when she wakes up. She’s going to lose her shit.” I say and he grunts, climbing on the mobile and taking off down the hill. I get to work removing the arrows from Ryker as Ryder holds him against the tree.
“I’m so sorry, Ryder, my deepest condolences.” I say as I remove the last arrow and slide Ryker’s body onto the other snowmobile.
“I have to bring him to the Clubhouse. This is fucking bullshit.” He says.
“I know. Just place him in the back and go, Dario will come with us and we will meet back at the house.” I say and he nods. As Ryder takes off, I hear the snow crunching a few feet behind me and I whip around to see the sniper. I reach into my holster and sail one knife and a death star right into his neck. He immediately falls to his knees while I approach him. Once I’m within reach, I kick him in the chest, forcing him to hit the snow with a thud and rip the mask from his face and scream.
“Fuck, fuck, fuckkkkkkkkkkkk.” I roar.
“Everything is clear. Is she dead?” He chokes out, blood painting the snow around him.
“Who? Jade? No, but Kayla is though.” I say, dropping beside him and holding his neck, wishing I was a shit shot and missed the artery.
“Good. Tell Jade,” he coughs again as blood spittles out of his mouth. I know I’m losing him, and there’s literally nothing I can do.
“I’d never betray her,” he tries to take a breath, “or the family. Keep her safe.” Slim chokes again, splattering blood up at my face.
“She knew, Slim. She knew. Rest peacefully, Cillian.” I say as he takes his last breath, the last bit of light leaving from his eyes.Fuck, she’s gonna lose her shit.