Page 96 of Bedlam
“Yes, Princess. It’s peaceful in here, and all I have ever wanted is peace inside my head,” he says, placing soft kisses on my belly. He looks up at me as he lowers his head and drags his tongue down my slit over my leggings.
“You know I can make you cum without having to take these pants off, right?” he asks and I giggle.
“Yes, I’m fully aware, but that’s not why you came up here. So spill.” I say and he takes a deep breath.
“Up at the cabin, while you were unconscious, I killed the wrong person.” He hesitantly admits, no longer making eye contact with me. I raise a brow, waiting for him to just spill the rest, but he won’t look up at me.
“Jamie, just tell me.” I say, getting annoyed at having to pull it out of him.
“It was Slim,” he admits, and I gasp.
“How the fuck did you manage to ‘accidentally’ kill him? What the fuck happened Jameson?” I shout as I try to get off the bed, but he doesn't let me.
“Get off me, now.” I order, but he climbs up my body, grabbing my hands and holding them above my head. I thrash under his weight, needing just an inch to catch him in the nuts.
“Jade, please. Calm down. I didn’t mean to kill him. He snuck up on me and I did what I always do. I didn’t think, I just sailed the knife into his throat. It wasn’t until I ripped the mask off, that I saw the error of my way and felt like a complete piece of shit.” He confesses as tears spring from my eyes. I don’t speak. I can’t speak.
“He was never the traitor. He was happy that you took her out. He specifically said he’d never go against the family. Or you.” He says, but goddamn it, this should not have happened.
“Does the clean-up crew know to take him to Ireland?” I say and he nods.
“Okay. Well, I need a minute. I just need you to go get Jaxon first, and we will talk more when you return. How long do you think you will be gone?” I ask and he sighs.
“Two days. Possibly sooner,” he says as he releases my arms and climbs off the bed. I’m still trying to wrap my head around Jamie’s mistake, but I made a promise to my brother to get his son back. As mad as I am at Jamie, I need him to be safe while he’s out on this mission.
“Stay safe, Caveman and tell Rio that I’ll be up here for a bit.” I inform and he nods, bending down, gripping my face and leaving me with a searing kiss.
“Jesus.” I pant and he laughs.
“Be a good girl while I’m gone.” He orders, and I smile.
“Yes, Mo Gra.” I reply and he nods, leaving my room. I take a deep breath and reach into my nightstand to grab my mother's diary, opening to the page I last left off at.
Shutting the book, I throw it across the room. This entire time, I’m a fucking twin?! I have a sister named Jocelyn and never fucking knew. What in the actual fuck? I can’t ask anyone because everyone is dead but her? This is fucking maddening. I need answers. Picking up the phone, I call Flynn.
“Well, hello Gra.” Kane greets me and I grit my fucking teeth.
“Where’s my father?” I ask, and he laughs as I hear cheering and music being played in the background.
“He’s a little busy at the moment. When he’s finished, I’ll have him call you. Oh, by the way, I’ll be back in the states in a few weeks. We’ve got work to do,” he informs me.
“Oh, joy. See you soon, Madra.” I laugh and he growls as I end the call.
And why can’t things just be fucking simple?
Happy Birthday
Two days later…
Driving back from the air strip, I head to the compound to see Ryder. I’m so happy I got to see my niece and nephew and I’m extremely glad me and Jade were able to get them the fuck out of here.Fucking hate my family, hate that I was never allowed to be close to my siblings.I won’t ever let our kids be brought up the way we were. I want them to be thicker than thieves.
Today's my twenty-third birthday and it's so great to be alive. This is the happiest I’ve ever been. I’m a married man with kids on the way and I have a boyfriend who accepts me for me. Everything is just perfect, which means the ball is going to fucking drop. I haven’t heard from Jay since we both left, and I hope he’s fucking okay. When I don’t hear from everyone, I startto panic. I don’t have the mental capacity to lose anymore people I love to this life. I really fucking don’t. Fuck it.
Taking out my phone, I shoot Jay a text.