Page 41 of Fate of the Fallen
She couldn’t even finish the statement. However, I understood completely. I couldn’t imagine what it must have felt like to foresee the likelihood of your parents being killed, all the while possessing the power to command that they flee to safety. There was undoubtedly a pull within her to respect their wishes and flee, but also feeling inclined to honor the clan.
As a girl who’d lost her parents—albeit in a different sense than what Beth feared—I would have givenanythingto change that.
“I can’t leave,” she repeated. “It’s not in me to run when I know what’s coming, My friends and family are the most important thing in the world to me and there are too many that I care about in this town to turn my back. And with you carrying the future ofbothshifter races … I need to be here.”
I didn’t know what to say. Her loyalty was something to marvel at. She and I were alike in that way—hence the reason I was still dwelling under this roof despite being given a means of escape.
I sat straight, considering my words before uttering them. “Well, I can’t tell you what’s best for you or your parents, but … what Icantell you is that I support your decision either way. And if you do decide to send them off, you’re more than welcome to stay with us.”
She seemed a little lighter when I made the offer. “I’d like that.”
“Well, as a fair warning, things can get kind of chaotic around here with there being so many of us, but … I’d be happy to have you. Weallwould,” I amended.
Beth laughed and my gaze was trained on her, this brave girl who’d shown me so much about myself, about what true friendship was. She’d been with me through everything and … I don’t know … that was kind of priceless.
“I guess I have some things to consider. I’ll sit down and talk to them after the rally,” she concluded.
I nodded, still holding her hand. “I think that’s a good idea.”
Deep in thought, she sniffled a bit and I figured we ought to talk about something else.
“So … what’s it like being the alpha female?” I asked with a smile.
She returned the gesture. “Pretty cool, but probably pales in comparison to being queen.”
I nudged her shoulder when I laughed. “Do you feel any different? Has to be wild being able to boss your entire family around with a simple glare, right?”
“Well … not theentirefamily.”
Unsure of what she meant, I passed her a questioning look that prompted her to explain, and she did with just one name.
I didn’t know much about her other than that she was with Nick now and she and Beth didn’t get along. So, to say it came as a surprise that the slight-built brunette wasalsoan alpha was a bit of an understatement.
“Wow … two alpha females in one family. That’s kinda wild.”
“Actually, onepackalpha, and oneclanalpha. Officer Chadwick shifted down and Roz is officially being groomed to lead the clan, ranking just below the Elders. There hasn’t been an official announcement—mostly because the Elders are concerned the clan will freak out that their fate kinda lies in the hands of children—no offense,” she said before pausing. “But as soon as everything dies down, they’ll get the word out. They’ve been working with her in secret.”
Again, I was speechless.
“But at least now I understand why I’ve always lightweight hated her,” Beth added, baring a half smile before explaining. “Apparently, it’s a thing between pack alphas and clan alphas. Part of me, something within my wolf, has always felt the pull of her authority and sort of resisted it. It’s like … ego times a million,” she joked after figuring out how to put the feeling to words.
“And now?” I asked. “Does itstillfeel that way between you two? Is it better? Worse?”
She shrugged. “Better. Even if only marginally. But my mom says it subsides with time, so … maybe I won’t always want to heave the poor girl over a cliff.”
Being soft wasn’t Beth’s gift, but she was loveable nonetheless.
“Well, I guess if things can work out between the two ofyou,this little bit of business with the Sovereign should be a piece of cake, right?” I said with a weary smile.
Humoring me, Beth smiled back. “Yup … simple as pie.”
Now, if only I actually believed that.
Chapter Thirteen