Page 42 of Fate of the Fallen
Everyone showed up. And I do mean everyone.
The only members of the clan missing were the Stokes family, including Roz, Chris and Lucas who’d joined the hunt for Nick. The Elders were, of course, also not in attendance, which had been by design. It was crucial that we got our message across to the entire body of lycans here in Seaton Falls, but equally crucial that no member of the High Council be aware of our gathering.
The flames of tall torches carved out a path among the trees. They were all that illuminated the space. Our family stood at the center of a circle, one composed of twenty large, Kevlar chests, each stocked with the weapons the witches had laced with magic. In preparation for tonight, several of us had gone to the artillery stations where they’d been stored, scattered about the woods, and brought them here. This rally seemed like the perfect time to arm the people, give them a sense of security. Until now, they’d only been given the Council’s word. Tonight, they’d be given more. They’d be given weapons, somethingtangibleto ensure their safety.
Despite the massive crowd, it was eerily quiet, much like the chamber before a Council meeting commenced. I suppose that was an indication thatthisevent was being treated with similar respect—a good sign.
Beside me, Evangeline breathed deep. Her brothers, Beth, Elise and Dallas all stood directly behind us, all with mixed emotions about her being front and center tonight. I admit, I might have been on the fence about it myself. However, the decision, just likealldecisions concerning her life, was hers to choose.
“The sooner we get through this, the better,” Declan said, leaning in so no one heard his thoughts but me.
I couldn’t have agreed more, but did my best not to let it show.
With Nick’s whereabouts still unknown, being out in the open like this wasn’t ideal, but over the course of a few days, Evangeline had been different, less willing to let fear rule her. I’d witnessed her suddenly embracing her past—who she was in relation to who she still is—with open arms. The dreams were either the cause or a byproduct of this change, but I was certain the two were somehow related. It was almost as though, the old and new versions of her were beginning to collide.
She exhaled sharply again and glanced up toward me for reassurance. This one act required so much courage, causing pride to swell in my chest as she stepped forward to speak.
Each set of eyes focused intently on her. Some knew exactly who she was, others seemed bewildered. Still, they all likelysensedher authority because lycans were hardwired to instinctively feel the chain of command.
She stood in silence at first, but then opened her mouth and addressed the people.
“Good evening,” she began, her voice sounding small. “I know most of you don’t really know who I am, but my name’s Evie. My father’s name was Noah and he was ruler of the original lycan clan that haled from Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. I haven’t lived here long, but … this place is home to me just as much as it is to the rest of you. For a long time, I wasn’t sure what brought me to Seaton Falls, but I eventually came to realize that … it was fate. Destiny.” She paused and glanced around the crowd, meeting the gazes that stared back at her. “So many worked in secret to keep my identity hidden—even from me for a while,” she joked, managing a smile despite her nerves.
“They worked to protect me and ensure the Sovereign didn’t know I existed, because … my family’s a threat to him. Iama threat to him, to all he’s built, to the fear he’s trained us all to have toward him. Fear … not respect.”
She paused to gather herself, discreetly reaching for my hand.
“I’m sure that, like me, you’re all tired of your lives being ruled by a tyrant. One who’s all too willing to bring down his iron fist on anyone who dares to think for themselves, anyone who dares to say enough is enough, anyone who dares to put themselves and their families first. But … isn’t that what being a clan is about? Sensing the needs of the ones you love and pulling together as a community?”
The collective expressions of the people were beginning to shift. They were no longer confused as to why they’d been asked to come tonight. Before them, they witnessed a scared girl emerging as a queen.
And so did I.
“Once we defeat Sebastian—and we will defeat him—we’ll step into a new day. Together,” she declared. “From there forward, we willallbe free.”
A few cheers from the back spread forward until the entire crowd came alive.
“Yes, once we’ve dethroned the Sovereign and I’ve stepped into his place, there will still be order, but above all else there will be peace and fairness. I promise you that. Another vow I’m making to you here and now is that there will be no secrets wrapped in the guise of acting in your best interest. We will operate in the open with ample opportunity for each and every one of you to be heard.”
There were more shouts and applause. This time, it went on for a bit and Evangeline had to wait for them to quiet down again. She’d hit a nerve. It became abundantly clear that this was one of their most prominent issues—being shuffled around like pawns, having no say when big decisions were made that affected them all.
“It’s actually in the spirit of full disclosure that you were asked to come here today,” Evangeline continued. “We’ve come into information that could have already affected us all, or will in the very near future. There’s a chance the Sovereign has found a way to tap into the Elders’ thoughts, a way to steal all our secrets, our defense strategy.”
The sound of panicked whispers floated up from the crowd, but Evangeline didn’t let it shake her.
“We only found out earlier this morning and wanted you all to know as soon as possible. And it is because of the Elders unknowingly being compromised that we must ask that you all no longer go to them with questions or to share personal information. Because, essentially, when you do this, you may as well be whispering those things right into the Sovereign’s ear.”
I watched her, noting how the timid voice she began this speech with was now gone. She spoke with confidence and they responded to that. Although the news she delivered was scary in too many ways to count, the people were not afraid becauseshewas not afraid.
“We have to rely on each other more than we ever have. My family is here to help in any way we can, so please bring your concerns to us instead of the Elders and High Council. At least until we win this fight. As your future queen,” she said with poise, “you have my word we’ll do everything we can to ensure this clan arises victorious.”
And just like that, by being exactly who she is, with no false airs or promises, she won the hearts of the people.
Declan, Ethan, and the others, moved into position, each stopping at one armory chest at a time. They opened them, inviting the clan to approach and take what they needed.
The sound of their applause and approval carried through the woods and there was no missing the look of pride on Elise’s face. She was the only one, other than me, who’d had hundreds of years to think of Evangeline, to wonder what potential she could have reached had she not lost her life. For that reason, seeing her coming into her own present day was a miracle. It was as though nothing had been stolen, only delayed.