Page 54 of Never His Girl
Looks like, after leaving dinner at the Harrison’s not-so-humble abode, KingMidas made a pitstop. Here he is, headed inside none other than PrincessParker’s palace, about fifteen minutes after her parentals take off. Then, he resurfaces nearly twenty minutes later, and the two linger outside her door a little while. Tonight’s mystery photographer reported getting a very heavy vibe from whatever the pair were discussing.
My guess?
This was more than just a friendly social call.
KingMidas seems to have been working double-time to earn NewGirl’s forgiveness, but maybe he was looking for a bit of an ego boost tonight. Maybe he needed someone who’s known to give in when he pushes, instead of pushing back?
Whatever the case, if NewGirl reads this, QB-1 will likely spend the rest of the night groveling and doling out excuses. Better make them good, KingMidas. This will do NOTHING to help your latest cause.
What say you, folks? Is our boy playing both sides of the field?
Check out the pics and you be the judge.
Later, Peeps.
Chapter 19
“Thank you for dinner, Mrs. Avery. Everything was great,” I say just as Jules closes her front door behind us.
We ate until we were stuffed, hung out playing board games a couple hours after that, but it’s getting late. With work tomorrow, I need to get home.
I’m bogged down with grocery bags stacked with Tupperware containers filled with food. Thanks to Jules and her family, Scar and I have enough leftovers to get through the weekend.
Even with Mike inevitably sneaking into them.
It’s dark, so it’s not unheard of for Jules to walk Scar and me to the corner. Especially now, with news of the few missing south side girls still fresh on everyone’s minds. But still, I know Jules mostly insisted because she wants to talk about things we couldn’t discuss in front of her parents.
Scar’s about twenty paces ahead of us. Texting Shane, of course. This gives us plenty of space to chat without her overhearing.
“So, any updates?” Jules asks.
I hold my chin while I think, pretending not to have a clue what she’s talking about. She shoves me and I laugh.
“Thereisno update. I come out of class, and he’s just…standingthere. I walk to the next class and he’s right there with me.”
I leave out the part where, on Tuesday, I tripped over my own feet and he caught me around my waist. That small bit of contact nearly had my whole body catching fire, but I played it off, keeping my face void of expression as I slipped out of his grasp.
“You’re better than me,” she admits. “I mean, if this guy’s as good with his mouth as you say, no way he wouldn’t have had my full forgiveness by now. I mean,fullforgiveness.”
Smiling, I nudge her with my elbow. “It’s not that simple.”
She shrugs and clearly disagrees. “Maybe not for you, but I’d have to give him a pass. I mean, that room, those flowers. Gah!” she screams. “And to top it all off, I was dead on with it being Parker. She set him up. He told you that himself,” she adds.
“Which is the problem.Hetold me,” I reiterate. “I can’t trust West further than I can throw him right now.”
She shrugs again and I feel like she’s missing the point.
“So, you don’t think this girl is capable of doing this? Setting him up, then bribing him to make sure he keeps his mouth shut?”
I give her question some thought. If I’m being completely honest, ofcourseI think Parker’s capable. That bitch has had it out for me since the moment West made me a target. From there, shit between us only became more personal. Now, since West planted that seed about her leaking the video, I find myself wanting to get at her even more than usual. So, yeah, I think she’s capable. But the problem is, when I consider the source of my information, I’m uncertain again. I mean, this is West I’m dealing with.
And let’s say Parkerdidpost the video. Is there really some cryptic reason West would cover for her? Or is it simpler than that?
He doesn’t like to own it, but there’s history between these two. It’s possible that, if Parker is to blame, he’s not giving her up because there’s still some loyalty between them. Whether it has more to do with some bullshit North Side code, or… he still has a soft spot for her.