Page 55 of Never His Girl
I’ve wondered what would’ve happened in his hotel room that night if I hadn’t shown up to interrupt whatever he and Parker were up to. Maybe he isn’t as over her as he claims to be.
“I knew she had something to do with it,” Jules states when I take too long to answer. “As soon as you told me she’d been in the room, my gut said it was her. Now, I may be biased because West is hot as hell, but I studied those pics of you two. The ones Pandora shares of him trying to show you he’s serious, and…”
I peer up when she pauses, listening more closely now.
“I don’t know, BJ. I think he’s being real.”
Her words weigh heavy on my heart. She loves me more than most, which is why Ilistento her more than I listen to most.
“I suppose we’ll see about all that,” I say with a sigh, “but there’s still a shitload of conversation to be had.”
She doesn’t argue with me on this point.
“Me and West have still never gotten down to the heart of ourfirstissue, before thisnewissue came up.”
My stomach churns, thinking about how I was on his shit list from day one. A girl doesn’t just forget that. And I can’t speak for anyone else, but I’m owed one hell of an explanationandan apology.
“I feel you,” Jules finally agrees. “But I still say you should let him go down on you one more time. Just to see if that helps make your decision any clearer.”
“Oh, gosh,” I say, cutting into her sentence. “Go home, Jules. Take a cold shower or three, and I’ll call you tomorrow,” I tease.
“You better.”
I turn the corner, and with our house now in view, I catch up with Scar. I don’t interrupt the text conversation between her and Shane that has her grinning from ear-to-ear. Mostly because Jules’s suggestion has me reliving that night with West this past weekend. The one where, I swear, I saw stars. And may have even touched one.
He blew my mind, and that’s putting it mildly.
In that room, in that moment, I forgot about all the wrong he’d done and only knew I wanted him. Bad shit and all.
I’m feeling super tense now, knowing West and I aren’t in a place where I can just call him up like,“Hey! You should come hang out for a bit. And, while you’re here, we may as well put my bed to good use”.
But OMG do I want to.
While I’m sure he’d be more than willing to oblige, I’m not willing to compromise. Hewillnot touch me again until I have answers.
“Ugh! What’s that smell?” Scar screeches, jarring me from my thoughts as soon as she unlocks the back door. Her question hits me half a second before the nasty odor does. Then, it doesn’t take long to figure out where it’s coming from.
“Fucking Mike,” I groan loudly, dropping our leftovers on the kitchen table before sprinting toward the living room.
The TV’s blaring with sports highlights from today’s game, and my gem of a father is passed out in the middle of the floor, because what the hellelsewould he do on Thanksgiving. But not only has this asshole pissed himself, he’s definitely shit himself, too.
Happy Thanksgiving to me.
“Damn it, Mike! Get up!” I yell, trying to lift his worthless ass.
It takes a few tries and Scarlett’s help, but we finally manage to hoist him from the soggy stain he made on the carpet. Smelling like an entire distillery,anda public port-o-potty, he groans. Now that he’s off the ground and mobile, the smell is suddenly stronger.
“What do we do with him?” Scar rushes to ask, pulling her shirt over her face to shield her nose.
“Take him to his room. He can rot in there for all I care.”
The odor hits me hard and fast and I have to stop in the hallway, gagging twice. I’ll be so pissed if this bastard makes me barf up dinner.
When I regain my composure, I nod to Scar and we start again. The second we get him over the threshold of his bedroom, we drop him on the floor. I don’t even pause to see if he’s okay before rushing to close the door behind us. Now, he’s trapped in there with his stench.
Scar and I are out of breath from carrying his dead weight through the house, and as we share a look, there’s a mutual sense of this being a new low. Even for our family.
I fall against the wall, trying to keep calm. Trying to accept that this is my life.