Page 108 of A Little Secret
“So…who thought it would be a good idea to move a bunch of shit the day we have a game?” Reeves grunts. He’s carrying a bunch of new furniture from the U-Haul and into the opposite side of the duplex—my side—with the rest of the guys.
It’s kind of weird to think that a few months ago, this space belonged to me, Ophelia, and Dylan. Now, Ophelia shares Maverick’s room, and Dylan is staying with Reeves, leaving me as the only official resident. Or at least, I was until Everett and Raine offered to move in while they wait for a house to go on the market on the same street. It’s what they tell me, anyway. I don’t think they’ll be going anywhere, though. Not when Everett will be moving across state lines to play for the Rockets at the end of the school year. They’re really going to buy a second house, just so they have a landing spot when they visit Lockwood Heights?
Then again, Raine’s family is here. Her job at Etch ‘N’ Ink is here. Maybe they won’t be moving too far after all, especially if he earns the open spot on the Lions’ roster. Iwonder if Raine knows what Everett’s doing behind the scenes to keep them in Lockwood Heights.
Not gonna lie. I don’t exactly want to live with my brother and his girlfriend. Actually, Ireallydon’t want to live with my brother and his girlfriend, but it’s just the way the cards fell, and now that I’m pregnant and need to figure out a new game plan, I’m grateful for the free roof over my head until I'm forced to admit the truth. I am so screwed.
Deep breath, Fin.
“At least there isn’t too much to move,” I point out. “Griff and I already handled the majority of things, so really, you only need to move Everett’s and Raine’s things.”
“Says the girl who insisted she needed a new dresser when you moved into our place,” Maverick quips.
“Uh, I’m sorry, but my house basically burned down, so…”
Mav moves closer, shifting a small box to his other side. “Your kitchen burned down, so…”
“Andmy dresser had smoke damage, so…” I point my finger at him and twirl it around, adding a mock death glare for good measure as he throws his head back and laughs.
Sidling up beside me, Griffin reaches for the cardboard box in my arms. “Here. Let me?—”
“I’ve got it,” I say.
His eyes narrow. “Fin…”
Batting my lashes at him, I say, “I’m a big girl, Griffin. I think I can handle carrying a few boxes.”
He moves closer. “I think you should take it easy.”
“Why should she take it easy?” Lia asks from the kitchen.
“The seizure,” Griffin explains, and honestly, I’m impressed. He had that one locked and loaded. Must’velearned from the best. Even so, it doesn’t mean I’m going to let him get away with bossing me around, even if he’s sexy as hell when he does it.
“I’m fine.” I lift Raine’s clothes-filled box a few inches higher into the air as if to prove my point, then step onto the shared front porch of the duplex while ignoring Griffin’s heated stare along my back.
Yeah, yeah. You’ve made your point clear.
Lifting boxes is probably a no-no when pregnant, but seriously. It’s clothes. I’m not stupid, and I’m not going to put the bun in my oven in danger, even if I am sporting the high-risk label for the foreseeable future. Pretty sure Mr. Thorne needs to take a chill pill, especially when said bun is still most definitely on the down-low.
“Reeves, after you’re done with the mattress, wanna help me carry the dresser from Fin’s old room?” Everett calls. “I’ll be upstairs.”
Carrying a piece of furniture out of the U-Haul, Reeves grunts, “Sure thing. Be there in a sec.”
Thankfully, Raine and Everett are taking the top floor of the duplex. I already invested in some noise-canceling headphones, so we should be good to go…until Griffin decides to sleep over and Everett has another aneurysm. I guess I’ll just sleep at his place instead of mine. Until the baby is born.
Dread and anticipation fill every crevice inside me as I set a box on Everett’s and Raine’s bare mattress. Once the baby’s born, do I ask for a second room? Do I kick them out and take the upper floor? Do I try to fit a crib in here? I scan the decent-sized space, imagining where I would fit a crib. Beside the window is okay, I guess. But what if the light bothers her? Or him? Maybe next to the closet would be better, but?—
“Where the hell is she?”
“Ev, calm down,” someone says.Mav, I think?“What is…” His voice trails off, and my heart ratchets up.
What’s going on?
“Oh, shit,” someone else mumbles.
Curious, I peek into the hallway, finding a red-faced Everett storming toward me up the stairs, his hand fisted at his side. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m used to pissing people off, Everett included. But after the last time we spoke, I’d hoped to stay on his good side for at least a week or two before poking the bear, especially after Griffin’s truth bomb this morning. So, why is Ev looking like he’s seconds from blowing a gasket? Then, I see it. The pregnancy test. In his fist.