Page 109 of A Little Secret
The one from the room. The one I never thought to look for after seizing. He must’ve found it when he was moving the furniture.
Do pregnancy tests last this long?
Blood drains from my face, and the world spins around me as all of my repercussions for keeping this from everyone hit at full force. I lean against the doorjamb, searching for balance as he lifts the stupid stick into the air.
“What the hell is this, Fin?”
I keep my expression blank. “How am I supposed to know what?—”
“Ev?” Dylan calls from the base of the stairs. The rest of my friends file in from the front door, leaving the family room and kitchen way more crowded than I’d like at the moment. Then again, if crime documentaries have taught me anything, it’s that witnesses are a good thing if you’re about to be murdered, and since I have no desire to kill mybrother, and he looks two seconds away from strangling me, well, maybe they can stay after all.
Like a rabid dog, Everett turns on the stairs to face Dylan and lifts the test into the air. “Is this yours?”
“Is what—” Her eyes pop behind her glasses. “Holy shit.”
Reeves’ jaw drops. “Dylan, are you pregnant?”
Finding her boyfriend, Dylan presses her hands to his chest and shakes her head. “It’s not mine, I swear.”
“Ah, man.” He slips his hands around her waist and gives her an Eskimo kiss. “I’m almost disappointed.”
Dylan rolls her eyes, and wiggles from Reeves’ grasp before searching the room for any other potential culprits. When her gaze falls on Ophelia, she asks, “Lia?”
“Nope, I had my period last week,” Ophelia announces.
“Yeah, I can vouch for her,” Maverick adds.
“Ew,” Dylan mutters.
With a wink, Reeves says, “Kinky.”
“Pretty sure that’s my line,” I quip from the top of the stairs before regret fills every single crevice of my body.
So much for flying under the radar.
Silence ensues as everyone turns their stares to me. My heart races in my chest, ratcheting faster and faster with every curious look. Every unspoken assumption. I can’t decide if it would be easier if I was still with Drew or if this is the best way to handle things. Just me, myself, and I. Because even if Griffin and I are a thing—a really amazing thing—the little nugget in my stomach is very much mine and mine alone.
Speaking of which, where the hell is he?
“Seriously, someone say something,” Dylan pleads as she searches everyone’s expressions. “Because, uh, a positive pregnancy test is kind of a big deal, and…”
“Well isn’t this a delightful game of whodunnit?” Iannounce. Rubbing my hands together, I paste on a fake smile.Just say it.“Yup. The cat’s out of the bag. I’ll take the congratulations now and will be registered online, thank you very much.”
Everett’s frown hardens as he reaches the top step. Hell, it’s freaking concrete. He lowers his hand. Not effortlessly, mind you. Nope. This guy is so close to the brink of a mental breakdown I can almost taste the shift in the air as he forces his arm to lower like he’s the Tin Man fromThe Wizard of Oz.
“You’re pregnant,” he states.
It isn’t a question. It doesn’t need to be. I already confirmed it.
“I believe the next words out of your mouth should be, ‘Congratulations, baby sister, I’m so excited for you.’”
“What the fuck, Fin?” he demands.