Page 15 of Hook
"No, I never said I was."
"How do I know you're any better than Lance? I can't deal with having to run from anyone else." I shake my head and wait for his response. Doing my best I study his profile. Lance was so good at lying to me. At making me feel like things would change or that he was truly sorry for all the pain he'd caused me. By the end I'd been able to tell he was lying just from the way he blinked his eyes. Right now I'm hoping those same skills will help me with Hook.
"I'm probably not any better than Lance. But I'm a man of my word. You don't have anything to fear from me. As long as you're honest and you're not out to fuck up what I've got going in my life, you've got an ally with me."
He glances at me for only a second but that second is all I need. He may not have the best track record but I can see he's telling the truth. I've gotten exactly what I wished for back when I was running for my life in the park. I've got my own monster.
"Deal." I hear myself say. I hope I didn't just sign away my soul to the devil.
After that, we fall back into silence as he continues to drive back to the tow lot. For some reason, I feel safe here. Safer than I've felt in a long time.
Getting out the truck I inhale deeply and feel myself relax just a little more.
The scent of oil and rubber hung heavy in the air. The dirt swirled up with every step I took towards the building where Hook's office is.
"Wait a minute, we need to talk." Hook calls from behind me and I turn to look at him. He's standing against his truck, his arms crossed over his chest and his feet crossed at the ankles.
"About what? I'd like to get inside, if it's all the same to you." I gesture to the building in front of me.
"Nah, sweetheart. I'm not getting any deeper into this mess until I know exactly what's going on. You need to tell me what happened between you and your ex. Don't leave anything out." He tilts his head to the side but he doesn't take his gaze away from me. This is a test.
I could risk it and try to tell him a lie but then that would mean if he found out he'd send me back out on my way. Neither option is something I want to do.
"I did this." I start and that weight that was lifted moments before comes slamming back down on me. "I knew what he was when I met him or at least I thought I did." Walking over, I stand by him so I can lean on the truck as well. Just reliving my past with Lance is enough to break me down.
"Growing up I was always what everyone called a miss goodie two shoes. I did everything by the book. Never in trouble, neverskipped class, nothing. I wanted to shake that persona badly. So I thought I'd do the only thing I could do that wouldn't end up with me in prison. I went after the bad boy. Lance wasn't from my town, and he was charming but you could tell there was something off about him. He was bad. He fought at a whim. He had loads of cash even though I never knew what he did. And to add to that he was super charming to boot. I should've known better. I pursued him. Then when I looked up he claimed me as his. At first I loved it. I wanted to do everything he asked simply to make him happy. I didn't notice until it was too late that making him happy was getting harder and harder. Two years into the relationship, I'd completely lost myself. I was nothing but a shell of what I used to be. He was so controlling. So intense. When I started talking about maybe leaving or ending the relationship he let me know under no circumstance would he have that. He beat me. Told me not to call my family. Moved me all the way up here. I had no way out. Finally, he beat up the wrong person and he was taken to jail. I thought it was over after that, but Lance still had a hold on me. He sent me letters and postcards. I tried to keep from talking to him, tried to keep from letting him get under my skin but I couldn't. He's never going to let me go. He'll kill me before he does."
When everything was out, I sighed a big breath and let my head drop. It was as if telling that story was enough to take all the strength out of me. A few seconds passed before I looked back up at Hook. I expected to see some judgement, but instead he looks contemplative.
"What?" I ask, just wanting him to stop the charade and call me stupid or something like that.
"Nothing. I'm still trying to figure out where this is your fault. To me it sounds like he's the asshole who can't take no for an answer."
"Well if I hadn't-"
"If you hadn't what? Wanted to experience something different? The only thing your story told me is you wanted a taste of the wild side. You got it. It just wasn't what you were expecting." He shrugs.
"Definitely not. I've learned my lesson. Bad boys aren't for me."
"Don't sell us short. The bad boys can show you things you've never imagined. Not all of us are like Lance's lunatic ass."
My eyes widened at that. What exactly was he offering me? "Are you saying you're different?"
"I'm saying if you wanted a taste of the wrong side of the tracks, I'd be more than happy to give it to you." His voice is low, barely more than a growl.
"What makes you think I want that?"
"Let's just say I'm very intuitive." He smirks at me "I understand your hesitation but not everyone is like your ex."
"Yeah right. In my experience everyone has an angle. What's yours?"
"My angle? Who knows, maybe I just have a thing for damsels in distress."
"I'm no one's damsel, Hook."
"So you say." He shrugs a shoulder. The fact that he's making this so much less than what it is irritates me. I should just drop it but I can't.
"And what does that make you? My knight in shining leather?"