Page 16 of Hook
He chuckles and turns in my direction, "I'm whatever you need me to be, Bea."
The intensity of his gaze makes my breath catch. I'm playing with fire and I know it but I can't resist pushing further. Leaning in my voice barely a whisper, "And what if what I need is for you to leave me alone?"
Hook's eyes darkened as he stepped closer, erasing what little space remained between us. My breath hitched and my heart hammered against my ribs. Every instinct inside of me screamed to push him away . But my body betrayed me, I can feel myself leaning closer to him.
"Is that really what you want Bea?" His voice is a low rumble. It sends shivers down my spine.
"I don't know." I answer honestly. My eyes not moving from his. I feel hypnotized.
In one fluid motion, Hook's hand shoots out and presses against the wall beside me. I didn't even realize I was so close to the wall of the building. He leans in caging my body with his. The heat radiating off him is palpable and his scent, leather mixed with car oil, completely envelops me. I sway on my feet slightly but I don't fall. I can't not again.
"Tell me to stop." Hook murmurs, his face merely inches from mine. My heart stops completely as he raises his hand and trailshis finger down my jawline. "Tell me you don't feel this tension between us."
"This is a bad idea." I reply.
His devilish grin nearly takes my knees out, "the best ones usually are, sweetheart."
He leans forward, pressing me harder against the wall. His body pressed against mine. When he dips his head I move my face to the side to give him better access. I don't know why I'm going along with this but for the life of me I can't stop. Hook's lips brush against my ear and I shiver at the connection. His warm breath sending waves of pleasure down my spine. "You're right though. We should stop this is a bad idea. If I was any worse of a man I'd be telling you something completely different."
"What would you be telling me?" I question fighting against the urge to grab hold of his leather vest and pull him closer to me.
"I'd tell you that you are mine now. Whether you like it or not."
My stomach clenched and alarm bells screamed in my head. I can't let this happen. Softly I try to push Hook back but it's like moving the wall behind me. "You don't know what you're getting yourself into."
"I know exactly what I'm getting myself into. The real question is do you?"
I feel my eyes flutter close. I'm so close to just giving in. To letting Hook show me exactly how good he can take care of me. I'm right on the edge of surrender when a booming voice shatters the moment.
"What the fuck is this?"
My eyes snapped open and reality comes crashing down on me like ice water. I jerk away from Hook only to look up and see a menacing man coming in our direction.
"Who is that?" I question.
"Easy, it's just my president. Brick."
Brick? That was his name? It made sense looking at him. The man was massive. It looked like he could rip trees down with his bare hands. His dark eyes roamed over me for a second before he stared daggers at Hook.
"Brick, I can explain." Hook starts but Brick puts his hand up to stop him.
"You better do a whole lot more than just give me some half ass excuse Hook. I thought we talked about this. Are you going against a direct order?"
I feel Hook tense right next to me. Since I've met him I have yet to see anything that really rattles him but for some reason Brick has a level of power over him. It's interesting.
"I'm not trying to but everywhere I turn to do as you ask it's like I'm running into dead end after dead end. She's my responsibility Brick. I can't just leave her alone to deal with this on her own."
My eyes jerk to Hook but he's not paying me any attention. I'm stuck on the fact that he thinks I'm his responsibility. I'm my own woman. I will admit that I do need someone's help but I don't want to be in anyone's debt. I don't want to be anyone else's responsibility but my own.
"What are you talking about? What happened at the police station?" Brick asks and I'm confused as to how he knows aboutthat. Was this the plan all along? Suddenly I'm feeling like the third wheel in this conversation.
"They were already there waiting for her." Hook says and crosses his arms over his chest.
I watch as Brick's face falls and he groans in annoyance.
"Why do I have a feeling this is going to get a lot more complicated before it's all over?" He asks.
"Because if it has anything to do with Lance, it definitely will. He's not afraid of a fight." I answer, speaking up for myself.