Page 17 of Hook
"You think we are?" Brick tilts his head at me.
I know I shouldn't poke the bear but I can't help myself. "So far all it looks like to me is you trying to find a way to run away."
Both of them gasp before Brick narrows his eyes at me. Did I just call them pussies? It feels like I did.
"Bring her." Brick orders before he turns on his heel and walks back down the walkway on the side of Hook's building.
Hook grabs my hand and leads me along the side of the building. What I see as I follow behind them takes my breath away.
"Holy shit."Bea breathes out beside me as I escort her into the courtyard in front of the entrance to the clubhouse. The grass is perfectly manicured, there's a huge fire pit in the middle. Tables and chairs. A basketball court and free weights.
Very few people have ever been this close to the clubhouse who weren't in some way affiliated with us. Bea is the first one.
"How did I not see this place?" She asks.
"Hidden in plain sight. Everyone thinks the building is an old warehouse or storage. No one ever comes back here but us." I shrug but can't help the pride welling up inside of me. This is my home. A home I share with my brothers.
"This is amazing. I'd have never guessed this was back here." She looks around the area like it's a secret entrance to a mystical land. It makes me laugh.
"Come on. Brick doesn't like to be kept waiting." I urge her forward and the smile drops from her face.
"You think he's mad?" She asks and I feel my hand tighten against hers.
"Sure, but Brick is always mad about something. He's not mad at you in particular."
"Okay, let's go." She nods and moves a little faster to the front door.
The entrance of the clubhouse is indicated by the heavy metal doors. They are large and Torch burned in our insignia a long time ago. Bea tries to push the doors open but they don't budge. I put a little force behind it and they swing open easily for me.
"Talk about a boys club." She scoffs and I shake my head. It's true that everyone in the MC are men but I don't think it's a requirement. It's just the ladies never bothered to ask if they could join. Maybe the BCMC is too rugged for them. I'm not going to complain about it. If there's one thing I know it's that women make things so much more complicated. At least that's always been my experience. The proof is standing right next to me in Bea. I should be out searching for cars to tow but now I'm here trying to figure out with Brick how to keep her safe without getting too deep into her mess.
"Oh, are we having a party?" Light asks as he comes out of his room and sees Bea standing inside the clubhouse.
"Fuck off." I answer right away. Out of all of us, Light is the one the ladies usually go for. With his baby face and soft blonde hair. He's pretty. I've never been jealous of him or anything like that but I don't want to leave anything up to chance. Bea is completely off limits.
"Damn, Hook. Why you so mean?" He asks and continues on his way in Bea's direction. Instantly I can feel her relax as he smiles at her. It shouldn't bother me as much as it does but the second Light puts his hand out to shake hers I want to punch him in the face.
"I'm Light, nice to meet you..." He lets the words trail off.
"Oh, sorry, I'm Bea."
"Bea, that's a beautiful name." He continues.
"You know what's going to be beautiful, the way your blood spills on the floor when I knock your fucking teeth in. Back off." I snarl in his direction and his eyes go wide.
"Whoa, easy there, Hook," Light says, backing away with his hands raised. "I was just being friendly."
Bea looks between us, confusion and concern etched on her face. I feel a twinge of guilt for my outburst, but I can't help it. The thought of Light getting close to her sets my teeth on edge.
I guide Bea past him, my hand on the small of her back. As we walk down the hallway, the familiar scents of leather, and stale beer fill my nostrils. Bea's eyes dart around, taking in the various MC paraphernalia adorning the walls – old photos, patches, and even a few mugshots.
"Hook," she whispers, tugging on my sleeve. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"
I stop and turn to face her, my hands resting on her shoulders. "Look, I know this is all new and probably scary as hell, but trust me. Brick may be a hardass, but he's fair. We'll figure this out."