Page 26 of Full Throttle
“My only interest in any of this is to make sure you don’t lose your trust fund and to keep the Luccesses out of our family’s business.”
“Okaaaaaaay. If that’s what you want to keep telling yourself.” Brian was skeptical as he got up to use the bathroom. “Just know that I’m keeping my eyes on you.” He used his index and middle finger to point to his eyes then back to Liam’s.
Chapter 9
“Ms. James in the house!” someone yelled from across the room. This caused Liam to glance up from his smartphone.
His back was turned away from the entrance so that he couldn’t see her. There was an unfamiliar tightening of his stomach at the mention of her name. It was akin to when he was about to close a big deal. It confused him since the deal with Daughtry had already been closed.
Liam reached his hand in the pretzel bowl and was about to pop one into his mouth when his hand froze in midair.
He could only see the back of her, but Liam knew it was Colby by the confident way she strutted over to her friends.
He watched silently as she exchanged hugs with everyone.
“I didn’t think you were ever going to show up!” Gonzo leaned into Lila. “Hey, beautiful. It’s good to see you.” He pulled her into a hug and kissed Lila on the cheek.
“You better stop that before your girl gets pissed.” Lila winked. “Hey, Bree.”
Bree knew she had nothing to worry about. She snuggled a little closer into Gonzo’s side. “Hey, Colby. Hey, Lila! I didn’t know you were back in town.”
“Just got in today. I’m only here for a few days,” Lila said.
Zander chimed in. “Gimme some of that!” He reached over and hugged Lila. “Is it possible that you get prettier every time I see you?”
Lila giggled. “It absolutely is!”
Gonzo rolled his eyes. “The bigger question is, not only did you get Colby to come out but how the hell did you get her to dress up?”
“Hey, you know me.” Lila laughed.
“Oh, c’mon. You guys act like you’ve never seen me in a dress,” Colby said.
“I count three times in my lifetime,” Zander joked.
“I won’t let them rag on you like that, Colby. No matter what us James’ girls wear, we kill it. Even those ugly old coveralls,” Lila said. “Now, can somebody buy a girl a drink?” There wasn’t a shortage of men in the bar trying to fulfill her request.
“You missed the toast,” Gonzo said to Colby. “Your dad just left about five minutes before you came.”
“He was smart. He got in and got out,” Colby said, only half-joking.
Gonzo ignored her remark. “You made it before the owners left, so I guess that’s all that matters.”
“They’re still here?” Colby asked as if she didn’t care one way or the other.
Bored with the conversation, Lila figured it would be an excellent time to go to the bathroom. “Hey, I’m going to run to the ladies’ room.”
“I’ll go with you.” Bree laughed. “This beer has not been kind.” They walked off while Gonzo scanned the room for their hosts.
The restaurant was still pretty full. He glanced around the room. “They were sitting right over there.”
“Where?” Colby asked.
He pointed in the direction of Liam and Brian’s table.
She turned to see where Gonzo was pointing and felt as if she were hit center mass when she stared into a pair of eyes staring right back.Why was he always looking at me?