Page 27 of Full Throttle
“Can you get me a beer?” Colby asked. She had no idea why Liam unnerved her, but she didn’t want him to know it. Colby wasn’t sure who, but someone placed a drink in her hands. Her eyes never left Liam’s. “I suppose I should go talk.”
“Yep,” Gonzo agreed.
“Wish me luck.” Colby squared her shoulders and started to make her way over to his table.
Liam watched as Colby walked toward him. She looked hella different now that she wasn’t wearing coveralls. She was even more attractive than he initially thought, stunning actually. She had curves in all the right places. She wasn’t very tall but had legs for days. There was one thing that remained the same—those eyes. They burned into his. She held his gaze and didn’t seem to be the least bit flustered.
Colby walked up to his table. “It would be considered bad manners if I didn’t come over to say hello.”
Liam stood. “I am sure Brian will be happy that you were able to make it.”
His voice was deep and smooth like a fine brandy. It set her nerves on edge. “Is it okay if I sit?”
“My apologies. Please.” Liam nodded to the empty chair next to his.
Colby seemed to take a moment to think about sitting next to him or parking it in the chair opposite him, eventually choosing the chair he offered.
Offer the man an olive branch.“Where is Brian?”
“He should be back shortly.”
Colby didn’t want things to be awkward with her boss’s brother. She decided to clear the air. “For some reason, we got off on the wrong foot, and I’m not sure why.” Colby extended her hand. “Maybe we can start over.”
Liam placed her soft hand in his.
The hairs all over Colby’s body immediately stood up.
“You have the most intense pair of eyes I’ve ever seen,” Liam said as if studying a lab rat.
Colby broke eye contact and slowly pulled her hand out of his. “Me? I think that would be you.” She laughed nervously. “Just tell me what you’re looking for instead of trying to look deep inside my soul to find it.”
Liam smiled. The kind that reached his eyes and Colby could have drowned in them.
“I can’t help but be a little curious. I’m not quite sure I’ve ever met anyone like you.”
“Curious?” Immediately, her defenses went up. Colby raised a brow, then crossed one shapely leg over the other.
Liam was drawn to the movement.
“What does that mean exactly?”
Unabashedly, he pulled his eyes away from her legs, bringing them back up to her face. For a minute, Liam thought he had lost it, but he quickly found his train of thought. “Most of the women I know aren’t interested in cars to this extent.”
Colby tensed. Her guard went all the way up.Here we go . . . the sexist bullshit.Liamwas about to disappoint her. “Maybe you should try meeting different types of women.” If he said,what was a woman like her doing in this industry, or some variation, Colby would scream the entire building down.
“Maybe, but you have to admit that you’re kind of an anomaly.”
Damn. He did it.Colby leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms. “That sounds a bit sexist, don’t you think?”
“Really? How?” Liam could see her temper rising. It was not his intent but damn if she wasn’t even sexier when riled up. Instead of correcting her assumption, he popped another pretzel into his mouth.
“You honestly don’t see how sexist and condescending you were?”
“No. I had a question, and I asked it. I think I was pretty straight forward.”
Colby unleashed all of her pent-up frustrations on him. “The average man can’t understand why I like working in the garage or my love of cars and racing. More than likely, it’s probably because I’m better at it than most of them. I learned a long time ago that my job is not to massage the male ego, especially since it seems to get hurt so easily.”