Page 14 of Mark
“Good for you,” I reply, rolling my eyes.
“How did that work out for you?” Mark asks with a weary sigh.
He shakes his head, his lips twisting. “I married her.”
“Max, sit down now before I make them kick you off,” a woman next to him snaps. “And don’t lie to the children. You were obsessed with me. Get it right.”
“I’m starting to think you are obsessed with me,” I mutter to Mark when the man sits down.
He inhales sharply. “Obsessed with you?”
I smile sweetly. “That’s what I said.”
He turns to his cousin. “Are you hearing this?”
Liam sighs. “I’m beginning to see where she’s coming from.”
I beam at his words. “Thank you.”
“Seriously? You’re meant to be family,” Mark growls.
“I’m also realistic. You do talk about her a lot,” Liam mutters, and I see him shake his head in pity.
“Because she’s always trying to get to me. You heard about the time she broke into my flat,” he cries. “I can’t help it if I’m irresistible. Don’t victim blame me.”
I snort. “Victim blame? Are you for real right now because I’m beginning to worry about your mental stability. The only victim here is me.”
He jabs his finger in my direction. “See, she’s worrying about me.”
“That’s what you took from what I just said?” I grumble, shaking my head.
“She has a point,” Liam mumbles.
“I don’t know what game you are playing but you can’t get to me through my family,” he declares.
I lean in closer. “Then drop this charade of me being obsessed with you. There are three things I’m obsessed with in this world and you aren’t one of them.”
“I don’t believe you,” he hisses.
“I don’t need you to. I just need you to shut up, let me listen to my music, and we will be good.”
“Bro, you missed the emergency briefing,” Liam announces.
The flight attendant speaks up. “Please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. Please keep seats and table trays in the upright position for take-off.”
I shove my headphones on and grab my sweets from my bag, popping one in my mouth. I shove my handbag under my seat and lean back as the plane makes its run down the runway.
When the speed picks up and I’m pressed against the seat, I grip the armrest, closing my eyes. This, and the landing, is the only part about flying that I hate. I’m good as soon as I’m in the air and I can finally relax.
A hand smacks over mine and takes it in a tight grip. I turn to the man in question, my lips parting when I see his face scrunched up like he’s in pain. It’s that pain and fear that keeps me from telling him to get the fuck off me.
Once we reach the air, a group a few rows down from us begin to holler and bounce about.
“Oh my god, please tell them to stop before they cause the plane to go down,” Mark groans.
“Going to take a lot more than that,” Liam grumbles.
I clear my throat. “You can let go of my hand now,” I mutter.