Twelve days on a cruise sounds like heaven to most people. Twelve days on a cruise with the Carters is something else entirely.
All I have to do is get through the flight to the Bahamas. But as soon as I see my stalker neighbour next to me, I know getting to the buffet before my uncle Max is going to be the least of my problems.
Our paths keep crossing, however, rather than being a thorn in my side, I find myself becoming intrigued by the drama that always seems to find her.
I guess spending time with the enemy doesn’t seem so bad when she keeps things interesting.
I’m convinced my neighbour is going to see me on the next season of Neighbours From Hell. And with each interaction, he infuriates me more.
He stole my cat.
My doormat.
And for some insane reason only explainable to him, he thinks I’m obsessed with him.
To make matters worse, my family are emotionally blackmailing me into going to my sister’s wedding. However, if it gets me away from my sticky-fingered neighbour and shuts my parents up, I’ll go on this cruise and watch my sister marry my ex.
I can handle my family for twelve days.
When I find out Mark Carter is also on the same cruise, I come to realise something too late.
There is no handling a Carter.