Page 65 of Mark
“Was that the night we had to call the fire brigade to get that traffic cone off your head?” Esther asks.
“No,” I reply, chuckling at the reminder.
“You got a traffic cone stuck on your head?” Mark asks.
“Like you can talk,” Maverick snorts. “Remember when you got banned from the park because they had to cut the baby swing off you?”
“You got stuck in a swing?” I ask, laughing. “That’s way worse than a cone.”
“I don’t think you are in a place to laugh, Noodle. You got banned from the golf course because you threw a golf club at the manager when you got drunk there.”
“You play golf?” Mark asks.
“She’s always been into sports. Never did anything girly,” Esther remarks, thinking that it’s an insult.
I glance up at Mark. “I do, but I don’t play as good as I do tennis or volleyball.”
“We’ll have to play volleyball at the next stop,” he muses.
“No. You know the rules,” Maverick warns.
“Rules?” I question, intrigued.
“Our family are competitive. Which results in fights breaking out,” he explains.
“Bunch of animals,” Esther grumbles.
“No one gets hurt. Well, us guys do. The girls take shit way too seriously and none of us would hurt them back,” Mark adds, rubbing the back of his neck.
My phone begins to ring, and I squeal when I see Summer’s name across the screen. “It’s Summer. The wifi works. I’ll be back,” I promise Mark, and without thinking, I lean up to kiss him on the cheek. I rush inside to where the music isn’t so loud and answer the phone, seeing my friend’s face pop up.
“Woah, you look two sheets to the wind,” she greets, lying down on the sofa.
“Summer, I miss you!” I cry. “Where’s my baby?”
“Here is the arsehole.” She switches the screen around, aiming the camera at the bookshelves. Mellow is asleep on the top shelf, and I grimace.
“He knocked your crystals down, didn’t he?” I ask as she switches the screen back around.
“Yes, little fucker,” she grouches. “How are you doing? You seem happy. You seemed pissed when I messaged you earlier.”
“The dress was horrendous,” I explain. “It had fucking sleeves, Summer.Sleeves. Ugly, puffy sleeves.”
Her eyebrows pinch together. “Babe, I can only see a bit of what you’re wearing but you look hot. That dress makes your boobs look good.”
“Oh, Mark bought me this. And he ripped the bridesmaid dress so I wouldn’t have to wear it,” I explain.
“Wait; back up. Mark bought you clothes?”
I narrow my eyes at the screen. “I told you he ruined my suitcase and that I lost all of my clothes, so he replaced them.”
“You didn’t tell me he replaced them. That’s pretty sweet. And he has good taste.”
I roll my eyes. “He didn’t offer; his mum forced him. And he didn’t pick them. His cousin Hayden did. You’ll love her. We’re going to plan a night out when we are back so she can meet you. She’s nuts as hell. She blackmailed me and Mark and forced him to come with me to the wedding. You should have seen him snap at Esther. It wasawesome. And Hayden… She stole the wedding cake.” I take a breath. “Enough about me. How was your night with your cousins?”
“Dude, we aren’t moving from the Mark conversation. I hate that I’m missing all the fun.” She pouts. “He went to the wedding with you?”
“You aren’t mad, are you?” I ask, worried she might feel left out.