Page 66 of Mark
“Fuck no,” she states, grinning. “Please tell me there is going to be dirty wedding sex.”
I sigh. “He said I intrigue him. Can you believe that? He couldn’t even look at me before. Now he’s all up in my space. He said that I don’t demand his attention, yet I have it.”
Her eyes widen as she sits up. “What did you say?”
“I told him he was mistaken if he thought a few sweet gestures would get me into bed. I told him he’d lose interest once I stopped being intriguing. All men do.”
“Please tell me he didn’t give up.”
I glance around, making sure I’m still alone before taking a seat on the window ledge. “He said, and I quote, ‘I’m not just any man. I’m a Carter.’ What does that even mean?”
“It means you are going to have hot sex. You’ll rock that boat, my girl.”
I splutter out a laugh. “Rock the boat. Yeah, that’s not going to happen.”
“Why?” she cries, outraged.
“Because I’m happy as I am. Men only bring hassle.”
She tilts her head, her eyes narrowing. “You like him!”
It wasn’t a question but an observation. My shoulders drop. “I think I might. He’s still annoying, and I still want to push him overboard, but he’s not as bad as I thought he would be.”
“Not all men are going to cheat on you or fuck you over, babe. You need to get over that fear. Danny was a prick and he never deserved you. A part of me thinks he knew that so he went after the next best thing. Esther.”
I snort. “There’s only so much a person can take, Summer.”
She shrugs. “Then have a holiday fling with him. It’s not like you haven’t had one before. No one is offering a relationship anyway. Feelings don’t need to be involved. Just friendship. Your issue is that you overthink everything. Have some fun. Do something for yourself for once.”
Whether it’s the drink or the wedding, I find myself being honest. “I don’t know how to without catching feelings. He’s notsomeone I can avoid. He lives across the fucking hall. I’m not saying I want more, but I do know I wouldn’t be comfortable with him only wanting me for sex. I want someone who wants me for me.”
“I’m not there to read the situation to give better advice, but it seems to me he does like you for you. He couldn’t stand you before. That’s because he never knew you. Now you’ve been confined with each other an entire flight and at the wedding, and he’s only just turned on the charm? Babe, I’m not buying that he only wants sex. He could get that anywhere.”
“Maybe. I am drunk so it could be the alcohol talking. I mean, it was only earlier I wanted to push him overboard.” Now the thought is in my mind, the more I’m convinced this is the alcohol talking. That and the fact I haven’t had sex in a while.
She snorts. “If you say so. Just promise me you’ll be open to the possibility.”
“I promise.”
“Now go. And you’d better call me with the deets,” she warns. “Love you, bitch.”
“Love you, wench.”
She ends the call and I get to my feet, laughing at myself when I stagger to the side.
I straighten my shoulders and take a deep breath.I can have fun. I can.
Maybe feelings don’t need to be involved, and I can think of it as a friendship with benefits as sorts.
Summer is right, I need to do something for myself for once. Maybe whatever happens in the Bahamas can stay in the Bahamas.
I make my way back over to the pool area, coming to a stop when I see Mark and Liam standing near the bar. They aren’t alone. Two slim girls in shorts and bralettes are with them. All four are laughing and joking, and my heart clenches when I seethe brunette place her hand on Mark’s arm. He doesn’t shove her away, but instead, winks, laughing at whatever she says.
Movement from my peripheral vision catches my attention. Esther stands next to me, watching the scene play out.
“You really didn’t think he would be interested in you, did you?”
“What is your problem, Esther?” I grit out.