Page 145 of Mark
I pull my hand back when Summer licks it. “Eww, that is gross.”
“Come on, Freya,” Nanna coos.
“Come back tomorrow,” I yell. “I’m in the middle of trying to figure out where to bury my best friend’s body.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” Summer taunts.
“Lick me again and we’ll see.”
Mum sighs. “This is beneath you, Freya. What would you tell those kids you teach?”
“I’d say let them have free will.”
“Open the door,”Mum orders.
“I will, providing you let me know who is with you.”
“It’s just us, munchkin.”
I lean down into my best friend’s face. “You can bath Mellow later.”
“No, I’ll do anything but that. My arms and chest are still recovering from the last time I bathed him.”
“You owe me,” I point out.
She lets out a heavy breath. “Fine. But don’t ask me again.”
I snort as I get to my feet. I head to the door, yanking it open with more force than necessary, and since I’m hiding behind it in case Mark decides to walk out, it nearly hits me in the face.
“Really, Freya.”
“Mother,” I greet.
I leave her glancing around our cosy living room and force a smile at my nanna. She places her hand on my cheek before leaning in to kiss my other cheek. “You’ve looked better.”
“Nice to see you too, Nanna.”
“Hi, Mrs Baker,” Summer greets.
“You really should keep your phone on loud in case of an emergency,” Mum states in her way of a greeting.
“Of course. Please, take a seat,” Summer offers, shoving off the throw blanket and empty packets of crisps.
“Did you two do all of this?” Mum asks, inspecting the mantel and walls.
Summer forces out a laugh. “Yep. We had the bruises and aches to prove it. Couldn’t move for days after.”
“You’ve done well. I like it. Makes me want to do our living room again. All the neutral colours make it feel warm yet soft.”
My jaw hangs open at the compliment. Summer must be as shocked as me because she’s mirroring my expression. She comes out of it quicker than me. “Um, thank you. Freya designed it and I fell in love with it.”
“Mum, what are you doing here?” I ask, because I can’t handle all the pleasantries. It’s freaking me out. I close the door and fold my arms across my stomach.
Mum runs her gaze over me, and I know when she spots the stains because her eyes widen. “When did you last shower and change?”
“Mum, just please get to the reason as to why you are here.”
“We need to talk,” she announces, as she elegantly takes a seat in the spot I’ve been keeping warm all day.