Page 67 of Hunted: Season Two
Despite there being no real need to inch closer to the device that Nolan’s holding, I do.
“We’re all here,” he calmly announces. “You’re on speaker.”
“Hey!” the woman on the other end of the phone exclaims. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything. I normally wouldn’t call this late in the afternoon, but considering the situation I thought it would be best to do it when the office was empty.”
“We appreciate your discretion,” our boyfriend compliments.
“B,” Dr. G directly addresses her patient, “your body scan reported no foreign abnormalities.”
A collective sigh of relief circles around the table.
“From what we were able to gather and evaluate you have no trace or trace evidence of ever having a digital device implanted in your system.”
Thank the car gods for that one.
Our girlliterallyhaving GPS embedded in her body is the type of shit that might’ve made sense for how McAdams has been tracking her, but it isn’t exactly something else we need to deal with.
We’re already a fully loaded model in that department
“There were no early signs of cancer or heart disease either.”
“That’s good news,” is mindlessly whispered out by me.
“No tumors or blood flow issues.”
“And now the bad news,” our partner promptly instructs.
“However,” the doctor begrudgingly continues, “it did show some healed fractures along the ribs and pelvis that were not listed in your patient history, so I’m unsure if these findings are news to you or information you already had.”
Bunny guiltily redirects her attention to the ingredients on the table. “I um…suspected.”
What the fuck does she mean shesuspected?!
Was she even more physically abused by that asshole than we thought?!
Did he break her ribs?
Her legs?
Wait…the doc said her pelvis.
How could he injure her there?!
What the fuck did he do?
Push her down the stairs?!
Chain her to something?!
Rage filled roars rumble in my throat louder than I realize considering the firm palm Nolan suddenly plants on my shoulder.
We’re on a phone call.
I gotta buckle that shit in better for the time being.