Page 68 of Hunted: Season Two
“Your vitals look pretty healthy. Your heart rate and temperature were fine. Your blood sugar and blood pressure are great. Your cholesterol and weight have room for minor improvements but whose doesn’t, you know?” The laxed last line receives a small, twitched smirk from all of us. “Your kidneys, liver, and thyroid all appear to be functioning within the normal ranges.”
“Back to good news,” I chime in at the same time I fold my arms across my chest.
“You did have some vaginalmicrotears-”
“And more bad news,” grumbles Nolan.
“-but considering you didn’t display any discomfort nor mention it, I think it’s safe to assume they’ve either healed or are healing. I would suggest – as a medical professional – to assess everyone’s fingernail situation – they are the cause of these micro injuries more often than the average person would think –andto be aware that using water or silicone-based lubricant is an acceptable aid whenever a situation may call or benefit from it.”
Did she really just medically tell us to use more lube?
Is that normal doctor shit or more like a friend of the family model?
And sheistechnically a friend of the family because me, Bunny, and Nolanarea family.
Full. Flag. Stop.
I may still have some fucking maintenance complaints when it comes to her brother, but I accept that heisn’tgoing anywhere.
That he doesn’t need to.
That he shouldn’t.
He may not be my favorite make or style, but he matters to the man I love too much to simply demand he fucks off permanently the second we’re done dealing with McAdams.
And from the sound of it, his sister – Valerie – matters too.
The whole goddamn Garcia crew it seems.
Maybe if we all had dinner together it’d be easier to filter?
Maybe if we included their parents in it?
Maybe it’s just constantly seeing him withonlyhis other best friend that really grinds my gears?
I should probably think that shit over.
Figure it out.
Talk about it.
I’m so over Toretto, O’Connor garage style therapy shit.
“Your blood test did reveal that you are indeed pregnant, so please keep the aforementioned information in mind –if you choose to continue the pregnancy– as vaginal dryness is a very common,very normalsymptom.”
I’m not entirely sure whose jaw unhinges first or last.
And I’m even less sure about who tries to speak.
“H-h-h-how far along?” Bunny barely stutters out before anyone else.
“About three weeks.”
Additional shock stuns her silent.
“And just because you may not be experiencing many or any symptoms at this time doesn’t mean that you won’t.”