Page 42 of The Mist of Stars
“Why would we do that if we can just talk to my dad?” I question as I trace the cracks in the worn table.
She dusts some spilled salt off the table and onto the floor. “You said so yourself that your dad’s been kind of cagey when it comes to talking about his foreseer powers. Plus, we can’t get a hold of him.” She crosses her arms on the table, leans in, and lowers her voice. “If we go to a reader, they’ll give us answers.”
“But for a price. And it’s forbidden to go to them.”
“I know, but would you rather break the rules and get to the bottom of why these cracks are opening up in this world, or would you rather obey and stay in the dark?”
“Wow, I never thought I’d hear you suggest we be rulebreakers. That’s always been more of my thing.”
She reclines back in the booth. “Yeah, well, maybe I’ve reached my breaking point. Or maybe I reached it when we got attacked by a death walker—” Her gaze suddenly snaps to the right. “Oh, hey, Henry.” She gives him a nervous smile.
I turn my head and find him standing at the end of our table with a smile on his face that’s directed at me.
“Hey.” His gaze remains glued on me, though I’m pretty certain he’s speaking to Aislin.
“Hey,” I reply, anyway. “What’re you doing here?”
He grins amusedly. “Getting something to eat.”
“Right. What else would you be doing at a diner?” I joke, rolling my eyes at myself. “Sorry, I’m a bit tired.”
“Is everything okay?” he asks worriedly.
I nod. “Everything’s fine.”
“Are you sure?” he questions, his attention zeroing in on my forehead. “What happened to your head?”
“I bumped it on the corner of a cupboard,” I lie, trying not to squirm.
Aislin gives me areallylook, probably questioning why I couldn’t come up with a better lie.
I pretend to be calm. Henry did help me. I don’t need to be uneasy around him.
I hope …
“That’s very clumsy of you, and not like you at all,” he tells me, shifting his weight.
“I know. I was distracted.” I tuck my hands underneath the table so he won’t notice how fidgety I am.
“About what?” he wonders. “Did it have to do with that book I gave you?”
“Um … Yeah.” I latch on to the opportunity to lie. “I was actually reading it when I ran into the cupboard.”
He bobs his head up and down, like it makes perfect sense. “Did it help? The book, I mean?”
“No, not really. But thanks for trying to help.” I smile, but it’s totally plastic. “I appreciate it.”
“Anytime. And we can talk about this more when we go to the movies.” His smile brightens. “Although, I guess you don’t really talk during a movie, but maybe afterward, we can get something to eat and talk about it more?”
Ugh, I feel like a cornered shapeshifter cat. I must truly be exhausted because I can’t come up with any sort of excuse.
Just then, Alex and Laylen enter the diner. They’re moving in such a hurried way that it draws everyone’s attention, winding around tables and chairs with intent steps.
I look at Aislin, wondering how they found us when we were supposed to meet at the hideout. She just holds up her phone in answer.
When they reach us, Henry steps to the side, a frown forming on his face as Alex stops beside him.
“What’re you doing here?” he asks Henry with a dirty look on his face.