Page 43 of The Mist of Stars
Alex’s cheeks are flushed, and Laylen is pale. Between that and the worry crammed into their eyes, I prepare myself for bad news.
“I’m getting something to eat and was talking to Gemma while I waited,” Henry responds in a clipped tone that’s entirely out of character for him as he glares daggers at Alex. “But then you rudely interrupted us.”
“Yeah, well, this is more important than your lame attempts at flirting with Gemma,” Alex retorts with annoyance in his voice.
“Alex,” I hiss with my hands splayed on the table. “What the heck is your problem?”
Neither Henry nor Alex remove their gazes from each other, a silent stare down being exchanged.
Laylen sneaks me a concerned glance, but I’m not sure what it’s even for.
“Whatever.” Henry is the one to break the stare down. He glances at me, his expression softening. “I’ll text you about dinner and the movie.” His lips curl into a smile, and then he waves at me and walks away, heading toward the counter.
“That guy is annoying,” Alex mumbles with his lips dipped downward.
“You’re annoying,” I stress. “And really rude.”
His gaze skates to mine. “I’mrude? You’re the one stringing him along.”
“Hey,” I protest, “I am not. I like him.”
“Sure you do.” He rolls his eyes. “You looked as bored as you did in our history class when Professor Macdallen was talking about the origin of ogres.”
My lips twitch as irritation prickles through me. “I actually like him a lot. In fact, I think I’m going to go hang with him while he waits for his food.” I lift my chin as I start to stand up.
Alex blocks my way, putting his hands on the table and leaning in toward me. His nearness is like stepping into an electric current. “I didn’t just come here to argue with you, violet eyes. Something happened.”
“Did you just call herviolet eyes?” Aislin says with her brows elevated toward her hairline.
I’m briefly stuck on that, too, but what he said captures my undivided attention.
“What happened at the academy?” I have this sudden gut feeling that it was something awful.
Alex sneaks a glance around then whispers in a low voice, “Professor G. is dead.”
“What?” Aislin and I both exclaim loud enough that people throw us uneasy glances.
“Shh …” Alex warns tensely as Laylen looks around, on guard. “No one knows yet.”
“What do you mean no one knows?” I whisper back. “How the hell do you know then?”
“Because we found him dead in his office.” Alex sinks onto the seat beside me and rakes his fingers through his hair. “We took off before anyone saw us.”
“Why would you do that?” I whisper, gaping at him. “That’s the stupidest thing ever.”
Laylen takes a seat beside Aislin and drapes his arm around her shoulders. “Because of what was at the scene of the crime.”
“Scene of the crime?” I glance between Laylen and Alex, noting the dread in their expressions. “You think he was murdered?”
“We know he was,” Alex answers, rotating toward me. “He was daggered in the chest.”
I swallow the lump swelling in my throat. “That still doesn’t explain why you guys just took off from a murder scene.”
“We did it to protect you,” Alex informs me. “Because on his desk, right beside his head, was a note someone wrote that read, ‘Gemma Lucas is the one that killed me.’”
For a moment, I swear time stops. But that’s not right. Time is completely messed up. That has to be why this is happening.