Page 63 of Tooth and Nail
Eoghan smiled, glancing over at his partner before turning back to the road. The man was so kindhearted. “Yes. We weren’t sure he was a shifter when we picked him up. We’d received reports of a pack of werewolves in a mall. One of our marshals picked up the little boy who said he couldn’t find his mother. She took him back to the security office where I was watching security tapes when he went into his shift. It was both scary as hell and fascinating. I’d never seen a shifter actually transform before. Anyway, the stress and fright of the situation was what caused the shift. As soon as his mother joined us in human form, she was able to coax him back into his change. Fortunately for all involved, it was only I.S.R. marshals and not human security who witnessed the change. Anyway, back to Oberon and Titania.”
Ari nodded. “Yeah, so why do you think they wanted to meet in person again and by the way, why did you think it was safe going in there to talk to them when it had gone so horribly wrong last time?”
“I told you the rules in dealing with them.”
“Yes, but I meanyou. It was you and Gladys who were chased by them the first time you met with them. Why did you think it was safe to meet up with them again?”
Eoghan snorted. “You’re only asking now?”
“I guess it didn’t occur to me to ask before,” Ari said. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. Actually, I was thinking about it as we drove here. When Tony Alvarez met them, it was in response to an alien race reaching out for our help. Only one branch of the I.S.R. had experience with space fairies up to that point and their report wasn’t very thorough. In fact, the chief pulled the report from written archives from the 1930s. The contact had been made in New York and the marshals were no longer alive to be interviewed. Alvarez wouldn’t have known not to look them in the eye, and he wouldn’t have been intimidating, even when he came back to interview them a second time.”
“What’s your point?” Ari asked. “Do you think the rivals attacked Acosta and Wick because they felt intimidated?”
Eoghan nodded. “Yeah. They were investigating a murder scene, very different from a kidnapping. At the very least, their questions would have been probing, possibly even sounding accusing. If Acosta looked them in the eyes when he was trying to decipher if they were lying or not, they might have attacked. The same thing with Gladys. When she was asking them about the homebuilder’s murder, it must have sounded like some sort of interrogation to them rather than innocent questions. When Gladys interrogated people, it was intimidating. That’s why I told you to be careful with your tone. It’s as important as what you say.”
“So, you just figured it would be fine to push your luck today, Eoghan?”
“No, I—” He stopped and then shook his head, glancing over at Ari before turning to look back at the road. “You’re right. It was only a theory and a really dangerous one at that. By making that leap, I could have putyoursafety as well as everyone in that travel center’s safety at risk. It was so stupid.”He pounded the steering wheel. “That was so careless! I’m so stupid.”
Ari took his hand, curling his fingers with his and hanging on tight while Eoghan beat himself up. “Don’t say that again, Eoghan. Do you hear me. Never say that again. You’re one of the smartest people I’ve ever met. Besides, it was a good thought. It was a theory born of careful consideration and it makes total sense. There must be something about them which allows them to feel human emotions and intents. Looking at us in the eye for more than five seconds must confirm their suspicion.”
He squeezed harder, and Eoghan finally blew out a long breath before threading his fingers in between Ari’s. He eventually nodded, loosening his grip but not letting go.
“What do you want to do?” Ari asked. His hand remained, feeling warm and dry against his. “Should we go out to the forest and look for…what were their names?”
“Ariel and Umbriel. They’re also named after the moons of Uranus,” Eoghan said, glancing over at his partner. Ari was wearing a smirk. “What?”
“Oh, nothing…just a million memes about Uranus flashed through my head,” Ari said.
Eoghan snorted. “You’re a twelve-year-old boy.”
“So, I noticed you’re driving north.Arewe off to the forest?”
“Not today. Visalia is another hour and a half from here and by then, it’ll be too late to go trekking through the woods, especially without gear which we’d have to buy since I don’t think Rick or Dick Tooley thought to put any in the car. And I’m sure as hell not going into an unfamiliar forest after dark. It’s going to be bad enough to trek into it during the day. God only knows what we’re walking into.” He glanced at the clock and decided he needed to make a call then pushed a button onhis Bluetooth and asked to be connected to the chief. Several seconds later, she picked up.
“Hey, boss. It’s Sapphire. I have Brown in the car with me.”
“Hello, Sapphire…Brown. Where are you, Eoghan?”
“We just met with Titania and Oberon. Unsurprisingly, they were even stranger than the last time Gladys and I saw them. They think the offspring were dragged off the same way their sibling was. Titania says they were on the same land the other triplet was taken from, probably otherwise engaged this time as well. They’re sure it was their rivals and expect us to go in there after them. They say they can’t go into the forest for whatever reason.”
“Odd…but their rivals can? If they’re also space fairies, why would they be able to go in and out of the forest?” she asked.
“That’s a good question. They refused to go the last time if I recall,” Eoghan said.
“That’s right. In either case, I don’t want you or Brown going in there after dark. Where are you?”
“We just left Bakersfield which means we’re a good hour and a half from Visalia with traffic.”
“Yeah, okay, please continue on out there and get a hotel for the night. Use the company card,” she said. “I’m not so sure whether you should go into the forest after them but if that’s the decision the Agency makes, it makes no sense to come all the way back here. I’ll contact you after I talk with them. In either case, I want to know everything that happens while you’re out there…if you have any further contact with them. Is that clear, Sapphire?”
“Yes, Chief.”