Page 64 of Tooth and Nail
“Ah, yes, Chief?” Ari asked leaning close to the dashboard Bluetooth.
“Are you comfortable backing up your partner?”
“Of course, ma’am. Very comfortable. I hope you know it never crossed my mind to let Eoghan go in there without me.”
“Well, it should have. These are dangerous creatures. Anyway, I’m glad to hear you’re so eager to watch his back. Just be smart about it. At least one of you must come out of this thing alive.”
Ari turned and frowned at Eoghan who was already looking at him. He watched him lean in to reply to her before turning back to focus on driving.
“Ah, yes, ma’am…ah, Chief. Thank you, ma’am.”
Eoghan snorted. “Please let us know how you want us to proceed.”
“I will.”
“Goodbye, ma’am. We’ll update you once we’ve checked into our hotel and let you know if Oberon and Titania contact us again.” He reached out and waited for her to sign off before hitting the off button. “Well, that’s that. Now, I’m starving. Do you want to stop for lunch or get something when we get to Visalia?”
“I’m fine either way, Eoghan, although I’d really like a cup of coffee.”
“Okay, Starbucks it is.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Eoghan pulled off the freeway as the next town came into view, determined to find a place to get a nice, big cup of coffee.
Nearly two and a half hours later, they finally arrived in Visalia. They’d run into traffic and gotten stuck behind a three car pileup and by the time they pulled off the freeway, it was late afternoon and Eoghan desperately needed a piss. They pulled into the nearest coffee shop and decided they mightas well grab an early dinner before checking into their hotel, since they’d skipped lunch. They both used the facilities and then washed up before being shown to a table in the nearly empty diner.
“Your server will be right with you,” the hostess said. “May I get you some coffee or a cold drink?”
“Coffee,” they said in unison. She chuckled as she walked away, and Eoghan turned to look at Ari. His eyes, which looked green today, were twinkling. He really was a handsome devil.
“So, tell me your impressions of Oberon and Titania,” Eoghan said.
Ari reached across the table and held out his hand, palm up. “Do we really have to talk about this case anymore? We have to stay here tonight, so there’s plenty of time for it, yes?”
Eoghan dragged his gaze away from Ari’s pretty eyes and reached out, taking the hand his partner offered, looking down as they threaded their fingers together. His hand was warm and when he looked back up into his eyes, it was to find them dancing with good humor and sweetness.
“Yes, there’s plenty of time for it.” He held on for a few seconds before finally letting go and sliding his fingers away from Ari’s as he sat back. Their waitress walked up with menus and two large cups of coffee. She set them down and took their orders with a sweet smile before bustling off to help someone else.
Eoghan turned to Ari and saluted with his cup before sipping his coffee. He finished most of the first cup before taking the carafe their server had left and topping them both up. “So, tell me about Aristotle Brown. You mentioned that your father and brother were in the Army, which is why you chose that branch to serve. Do you come from a large family?”
“No, just my mama, Daddy, and my brother Lou. He’s still serving. Daddy is a retired drill sergeant but Lou’s a recruiterin Lexington. Mama’s a homemaker and always has been. She sings in the church choir and runs the food pantry ever since Daddy retired. Lexington was their home when they were first married but we lived all over the world when I was younger.”
Eoghan nodded. “And, eventually came back to Lexington. That’s why your accent’s not as strong.”
“Yes, and apparently.”
“You saw combat in Afghanistan?”
“Yep. Daddy too. At one point, we were both over there at the same time, same unit. It was hard for Mama. She had both of us to worry about.”
“Not your brother, Lou?”
“He didn’t see combat. He’s almost ten years younger than me. By the time he was trained up and ready to go, the draw down was already in process. He’s also special forces. When he’s not working in the recruitment office stateside, he still is…attached to a Ranger regiment in…um, other places.”
“You can’t talk about it,” Eoghan concluded.
Ari shook his head. “Sorry, I don’t even know. Rangers’ missions and deployments are classified. I’m certain even my father didn’t know where we were, and he’s a thirty-five-year career Army veteran with a lot of friends up the ranks.”
“I didn’t realize your brother, Lou, was a Ranger also.”