Page 12 of Flesh and Fury
“Yes, sir. We ate,” Eoghan said. “The food was very good.” He darted a glance around the place. Everyone was hurriedly cleaning up the mess but there were way too many people in the room. That told him that everyone wanted to listen in.“Would it be okay if we talk to you somewhere more private, sir?”
“Yes, absolutely,” Walters said. “Come this way to my office.” He led the way to the back room, past several tables filled with guests who appeared to be nursing their drinks, probably hoping to pick up on some gossip or conversation between the I.S.R. and their Alpha.
Walters pulled out a circle of keys and unlocked a sturdy, wooden door when they got to the back corner and stepped inside, flipping on overhead lights. The room was elegant with oak paneled walls and held a large desk which was neat as a pin. He walked over and switched on a Tiffany lamp which illuminated the desktop, taking a padded, leather desk chair as he waved them into two chairs facing him.
“Well, that’s better,” he said.
“Yes,” Eoghan said, sitting back in the comfortable chair which seemed to be more suited for the front of a fireplace than the front of a werewolf Alpha’s desk. He watched the Alpha open a drawer and pull out a fat cigar and cigar cutter before holding it out.
“Care for one, gentlemen? They’re Cohibas. Very rich and smooth.” He wiggled the cigar in front of them and watched them both shake their heads. “Do you mind if I smoke?”
“Not at all,” Ari said.
“Good.” He snipped the end of the cigar, picked up a cigar lighter from somewhere, and lit it, blowing smoke high into the air. “Now, what can I tell you?” he said, looking serious as he stared across the desk at them.
“Well,” Eoghan said, “I guess you can tell me what you’re going to need from Oscar Garcia so we can convince him to return your youngest grandson, and Edward can marry Carmen.”
Walters sat back in his chair and looked between them before tapping the side of his head with his finger. His gaze shifted to the high ceiling where smoke swirled. “What am I going to need?” He looked down at them. “Is that what you want to know? What I’m going to need?”
“Yes, sir,” Ari said.
He took a long drag on the fat cigar, turning it to look at it in profile as if admiring it, before lifting his chin and blowing another long line of smoke at the ceiling. When he glanced back down, his lips were curling, his fangs were showing, and his eyes were glowing bright yellow. “I’m going to need Oscar Garcia’s head.”
Chapter Four
Ari’s blood went cold as their hope of a peaceful resolution to this in-law problem vanished. Along with it went the possibility of enlisting both packs to cooperate in getting King John’s clan back. If they somehow couldn’t convince Alvin Walters to back off from his promise to kill Oscar Garcia, they were going to end up nowhere on this case as well. He hadn’t been with the I.S.R. very long, but even Ari knew that having two werewolf packs at war with one another was a very bad thing, especially when it could have been easily avoided. He watched as Eoghan sat forward.
“Alvin…Alpha Walters, I hope you aren’t being serious,” Eoghan said. “I know that you know you have an entire pack to think of. Just because Oscar Garcia is an ill-tempered man, doesn’t mean you need to blow up negotiations. Please, think twice about what you’re saying. No one wants war, certainly not your two packs, and definitely not the I.S.R.”
Walters leaned forward, making his desk chair creak. The look on his face was stony and the yellow circle around his irises glowed brightly. “That wolf came into my bar and not only threatened my grandson, but also insulted his own granddaughter, calling her a whore in public. What kind of man does that? What kind of wolf kidnaps another Alpha’s young grandson to force his older brother into a marriage to his own pregnant granddaughter?” He shook his head emphatically, then took a long drag of his cigar, turningit sideways and examining it again, before blowing out the smoke. “I can’t lose face in front of my whole pack and take that kind of insult lying down. I’ll be challenged by members of my own pack just itching to become Alpha. I can’t back down, now that the kidnapping has become a matter for public consumption.”
“You can be the bigger Alpha and point out that what is said under the influence, shouldn’t be taken seriously, especially when the outcome is so important, Alpha Walters,” Eoghan said. “We have a great incentive to hold this peace together and you can be the bigger man by leading the charge. Everyone in your pack knows that you’re the wronged party, so stepping up and offering the hand of peace in your willingness to negotiate with Garcia will prove to them that you are a great leader. Clearly, you trusted them with your situation when that wasn’t going to be your intention originally. And you can trust that they’ll stand behind you now.”
Walters nodded. “You’re a wise man, Marshal Sapphire, and I assume you’re a good diplomat. I know why your chief sent you as her envoy in this matter, but you don’t know internal werewolf politics. If you did, you’d know that being the bigger man means keeping your claws buried in the necks of men willing to challenge you for Alpha.” He glanced over at Ari. “What do you think, Marshal Brown. Should I just try and make peace with this wolf who has wronged me twice?”
“I think you should, but my reasons are purely selfish.”
“Oh? What are they?” the Alpha asked, setting the cigar in the ashtray and leaning forward, listening carefully.
“What are you talking about, Ari?” Eoghan asked.
Ari glanced over at him, recognizing not only surprise but warning in Eoghan’s eyes. He looked back at the Alpha.
“I don’t want to see my partner hurt. He was attacked by a werewolf and his injuries nearly killed him. The last thingI want to think about is seeing him back in the hospital. My reasons are selfish.”
Something in Walters’ expression changed as he stared back across the desk at him. He could tell Ari was being serious. When he sat back in his chair, making that now familiar creaking sound, he blew out a long, slow breath. He looked up at the ceiling before looking directly at Eoghan. He stared for a good minute or so before glancing at the burning cigar. He picked it up, grinding it slowly in the ashtray to extinguish it. When he glanced at Eoghan again, he was nodding.
“You have a very wise and brave partner.”
Eoghan glanced over at him and their eyes met. He smiled very slightly before nodding. “Yes, I do.”
Ari felt his stomach swarm with butterflies as he swallowed around the lump in his throat.
“All right. I will sit down with that fucker once he’s had time to sober up,” Alvin said. “And, I’ll have another talk with my oldest grandson. Please reach out to Garcia and tell him that I’d like to meet. We can and should avoid war. You’re right. It wouldn’t be good for either of our packs. Senseless death should always be avoided whenever possible. I let his insults get to me but I will warn you. If they continue upon this second meeting, I will not back down. If I do, I’d be universally maligned by my pack. I might as well kill myself and I certainly will not bring that kind of shame upon my family. I hope that’s understandable.”
Eoghan nodded. “Yes, sir, and may I press our question now, Alpha?”