Page 13 of Flesh and Fury
Walters shook his head. “Not now. When this business is concluded, we’ll discuss your vampire problem. If it resolves in my favor and Garcia and I come to a reasonable agreement, then I’ll elicit his pack’s help for you too.”
“Thank you, sir,” Eoghan said, pushing his chair back and standing to shake his hand. Ari did the same as soon as Eoghan let go. “We’ll be going,” Eoghan said as the Alpha also stood. “Please look forward to hearing from us around midday tomorrow. That should give us enough time to let Garcia sober up and then reach out to him to arrange a meeting. We’ve been told that it might be best to go through the I.S.R. marshals in Nevada. Either way, we’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“Let me show you out,” Walters said.
“We can find our own way, Alpha. Thank you,” Ari said, smiling genuinely at the werewolf. When it was returned, they both headed for the office door and slipped out as unobtrusively as they could. The promise that Walters would address King John’s problem once all the mess with the two packs was sorted out, made him hopeful once again. At the moment, though, all Ari could think of was a nice hot shower and a roll in the hay with his very hot boyfriend.
“I think that went well,” Eoghan said as soon as they were in the Charger, headed for the motel where they’d stored their bags.
“You mean the last part,” Ari said, glancing at Eoghan.
“Yeah, that part. The part about nearly being bitten by a werewolf, not so much.”
Ari chuckled, pointing at the Comfort Inn.
“Yeah, I see it.” Eoghan pulled into the parking lot and shut off the car before looking at the time displayed on the digital dashboard clock. “We should call Carly Rusch and Evan Chastain before it gets too late.”
“The Nevada marshals?”
“Yeah,” Eoghan said. “Or we could start with their chief.”
“Let’s call the marshals. From what Priest says, they’re expecting our call.”
“Sounds good.”
Ari got out of the Charger and headed into the motel lobby with Eoghan at his side. “I can really use a shower and after we touch base with them, I have something special to show you.” They walked by the front desk and waved at the young woman who smiled, then grimaced when she saw Ari’s cheek.
It was throbbing slightly but hadn’t looked like it needed stitches. He’d live. And ever since finding the very special garment on Instagram, Ari had been dying to get one. The very idea of seeing Eoghan’s face when he got a look at it, had him growing hard as they stepped into the elevator and pushed the button to take them upstairs.
“What do you have to show me?” Eoghan asked, glancing over at him.
Ari smirked at him as the elevator dinged and the doors slid open. “It’s something I think you’ll like but you have to wait until we talk to the marshals.”
“Aww,come on, at least give me a hint, Ari.”
“If I do that, you won’t be able to keep your mind on business.”
“What if I don’t want to keep my mind on business?” Eoghan whined as they walked down the carpeted hallway toward their room. Eoghan slipped his keycard into the slot, and they stepped into the room.
“Would it just be possible to get through this conversation quickly?” Ari asked, whirling around. He reached out and pulled Eoghan into his arms, snugging him up against his body, as he looked down at him. “The sooner we get done talking to them, the sooner I can show you what I have.”
“Oh, okay,” Eoghan replied, tilting his head up to kiss Ari on the mouth.
Ari slid his hands down Eoghan’s back, feeling the taut muscles and loving the way they jumped just under theskin wherever his fingers stroked. The man was sexy as hell and he belonged to him, body and soul. He deepened the kiss, promising himself that he’d waited long enough. Several things were going to change between them, probably before this trip was over, but most definitely in their more immediate future. As his cock hardened, he groaned, willing himself to pull away from Eoghan and get himself back under control so that he could get through the next few minutes. Reluctantly, he pulled away from Eoghan’s lips, breaking the gorgeous kiss.
“Come on, baby,” Ari said as he watched Eoghan lick his full lower lip. He was so tempted to dive back in for more, but instead, he reached into his pocket and slid his phone out, handing it to Eoghan. “Call the marshals from Nevada.”
Eoghan took it, looking down at the object as though it offended him. He glanced back up and sighed. “You’re a total buzz kill, you know that?”
Ari smirked. “It’s going to be so worth the wait. I promise you. Now, call them.”
Eoghan growled. “Fine.” He dialed the number, putting it on speaker so Ari could hear the call.
“Hello?” a female voice answered.
“Hi. Is this Carly Rusch…I.S.R. Marshal Carly Rusch?” Eoghan asked, looking at Ari who sat watching him from the opposite bed.
“Yes, who’s this?”