Page 90 of Hearts on Fire
He smoothed my hair, his eyes filled with admiration.
“She is you, my fearless queen. A human’s love can transcend magic. It can also form a bond, which makes the couple stronger. As my bonded mate, you can use my magic. And judging by your performance on the wall yesterday, you’ve mastered it. You have the power over dragon fire. You can repel it without getting burned. And you can wield my fire, with dire consequences for our enemies.”
Was I always meant to be the Fire Queen? Or did we “tweak” the future? I didn’t really care. It all fit perfectly. Past and future had aligned like two pieces of a puzzle.
“Neat.” I grinned.
It’d felt so good, fighting those dragons alongside Elex yesterday. For once, I was as powerful as him. And together, we were unstoppable.
He watched me with a tiny smile playing on his lips. Never in a million years would I have thought I’d find someone who’d make me feel this happy.
“I love you, Elex.”
I kissed him again. He tasted like sweet berries and lemon, and from now on, that would forever be the taste of happiness for me.
Elex was publicly declared the King of the Dakath Mountains that very afternoon. The next morning, the coronation took place. The golden ruby Crown of Dakath was placed on his head, the most deserving one to ever wear it, in my opinion.
I had no doubt Elex would become the great king he was destined to be. And I was delighted to become his queen just a few days later.
We planned a modest, by royal fae standards, wedding ceremony. Only a few thousand guests were expected to attend. The nine remaining High Lords had arrived at the castle along with their families and courtiers, as well as many gargoyles from the valley.
On the morning of our wedding day, I was getting dressed in the royal chamber. Three huge mirrors in carved walnut frames stood around me, allowing me to look at myself from nearly every angle.
I had several maids in attendance but had yet to formally choose any ladies-in-waiting. The castle burst with life and was filled with people, but most of them were complete strangers to me. I was extremely grateful for both Isar and Zenada when they agreed to help me with getting ready today.
Zenada took the task very seriously, closely supervising the maids as they brushed and styled my hair. Braided into a gazillion tiny braids and decorated with gold and gemstones, my hair had been arranged into gorgeous rosettes and flowers on top of my head, with more braids, waves, and strings of beads cascading down my back and shoulders.
“What do you think?” Zenada moved my head for me to better see the back of my hairdo in one of the mirrors. “Do you like it?”
“Oh, this is gorgeous.” I couldn’t offer a word of criticism even if I wished. I turned my head a little, making the golden clips gleam and the gemstones sparkle. “I look like a princess.”
“Better than that, I hope.” Zenada giggled. “You’ll bethe queenbefore nightfall.”
That still felt like a dream. Before the next sunset, Elex and I will become husband and wife. I heaved a breath, trying to get my nerves under control. Marrying my gargoyle king didn’t worry me in the slightest. I couldn’t wait to be his wife. It was the ceremony that would be happening in front of thousands of people that made my insides jitter with nerves.
“Don’t remind her,” Isar chuckled. “The poor girl is pale like a cloud owl already.”
Isar sat in the pillows by the window and used a giant hunting knife to adjust the clasps of a golden filigree corset that was a part of my outfit. She had fully recovered from her ordeal in the dungeon and the fight with King Edkhar. The magical crystals had healed her wounds practically overnight.
“You’ll be fine.” Zenada placed a quick kiss on my cheek. “We’ll be there, too. You can hold my hand anytime you like during the ceremony.”
“Thanks.” I smiled as the maids placed a light-like-a-feather gauzy layer over the red jacquard of my dress.
The train of the see-through organza over my skirt stretched all the way across the room. The dress left my shoulders exposed. The wide, transparent sleeves started below my shoulders. They flared out wide like flower petals and were held together by wide, bejeweled cuffs at my wrists.
“Here. This should fit perfectly now.” Isar gave the corset to the maids who placed it around my torso over my dress and closed the little beaded clasps with tiny chains.
Leaning back into the cushions, Isar smiled at me. “You look beautiful, Amber.”
“You are the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen,” Zenada gushed.
I laughed, hiding my blush. Compliments were so hard to take, even from the closest of friends.
“Thanks. It means a lot, coming from the most magnificent fae like yourselves.” I was so grateful for both of them.