Page 91 of Hearts on Fire
As the future queen’s favorites, Isar and Zenada had been close to me during all the events that had taken place in the castle in the past several days. No one at court questioned their status as my favorites. Of all the women from theSalamandraSanctuary, there were only the three of us left. People accepted that we shared a special bond after everything we’d been through together.
Zenada trusted me with her most precious secret. No one knew about her baby yet. We were going to announce the royal pregnancy shortly after the wedding, and I would have to present Zenada’s son as mine, the legitimate first-born son of the royal couple. That was Zenada’s wish, to ensure her son’s future. Elex and I would be officially listed as Ahrit’s parents in all records and documents. But Zenada was going to remain in her son’s life every step of the way.
Her rooms were adjacent to the future nursery. There would be a bed placed for her next to the prince’s crib. She’d be the one looking after him, nursing him, changing him, singing for him—raising him. And when Ahrit was old enough to keep the secret, he’d learn all about what his mother had done to ensure his safety and his rightful place in life.
The maids placed a wreath of red snow poppies on my head, the last of the season. Most of these flowers had already disappeared from the mountains. The black rocks of Dakath’s peaks now were green with patches of new grass and leaves on the shrubs. The air had warmed enough for us to have the windows in the room open.
Not all the castle windows had glass yet. There was a lot to do still. But we had time to do it all.
Zenada spread down my back the golden ribbons tied to the wreath. “It’s time to take you to your king. I’m sure the poor thing is dying to see you already. You’ve been apart since last night’s dinner,” she teased.
I couldn’t hide a giddy smile, looking forward to seeing my king, too.
The maids joined Zenada, Isar, and me as we walked out of the royal chambers. Several guards escorted us down the main staircase to the Throne Room on the floor below.
The maids walked hand in hand with the castle guards. The villagers who had come from the valley joined us, along with Elex’s men from the Desolate Peak. The new court was so new, neither the hierarchy nor the etiquette had been firmly established yet. And as far as I was concerned, I liked it that way.
As I walked into the Throne Room, I spotted Voron by the wall behind the main crowd. He gave me a smile and a wave.
Music was played by the royal musicians who hovered above the high ceiling. The soft rustling of their wings blended with the melody they played.
The royal throne was empty. King Elex stood in front of it, waiting for me. The moment our eyes locked, I saw no one else.
Dressed in the royal colors—black, gold, and red—Elex presented a truly majestic sight. A long cape edged with fur was draped over his wide shoulders. The thick waves of his hair were tamed under the heavy circle of the Crown of Dakath.
But his kind eyes, his warm smile, and the adoration on his beloved face as he looked at me hadn’t changed at all.
I smiled so widely on my way to him, my face started to hurt by the time I reached him.
He took my hands, and I tilted my head back, keeping our eyes locked.
The music stopped. The High Priest, dressed in a golden robe, started reading the text of the ceremony. And everyone in the room went still.
Suddenly, it dawned on me that this ceremony didn’t really matter either to Elex or to me. All of this—the music, the dress, and the priest with his long fancy scroll—was for the guests, for the people of Dakath, and for the official records.
As far as Elex and I were concerned, we already belonged to each other. I gave his hands a squeeze, wishing it was time for him to kiss me already.
He brought his head down, whispering for only me to hear, “You stole me, Amber. I’ve been yours ever since.”
I stole him, and I could never give him up.
“You are my biggest treasure, Elex. And I’m keeping you until the day we die and beyond.”
These were our vows. Just for us. And they were more precious to me than all the big words the High Priest made us repeat after him.
* * *
After the ceremony, we all moved to the Great Hall. Even in the short time that Elex had been the king, this space had changed. Gone were the perches of King Edkhar and his men. The precious crystals had been removed to be used for healing, as they were meant to be.
Several long tables stood around the room, set with the most appetizing dishes. Elex led me to the one draped in a red tablecloth and decorated with bouquets of spring flowers. Zenada and Isar shared the table with us, as did Voron and a few of Elex’s men.
This didn’t feel like a huge official celebration, but just a dinner with friends. I relaxed, enjoying the scrumptious meal. By the time dessert was served, the conversation flowed freely, more than one conversation, actually, as several of them seemed to be happening simultaneously.
“Have you decided what you’d like to do, Isar?” Elex asked my friend.
Due to the skills of the royal hag and the amazing qualities of the crystals, every trace of Isar’s gruesome injuries was gone now. I’d seen her already practicing with her swords again.
“My offer stands,” Elex continued. “Join my army, and you’ll make it to the rank of a general in no time. You have the strength of character for that, and I reward courage and loyalty.”