Page 126 of Crownless King
One moment, he was floating in a warm and hazy afterglow, his woman wrapped in his arms where she belonged, his mind flirting with sleep that promised to be the best sleep of his life.
The next minute, the haze, the warmth, and the afterglow were blown away, blasted to shreds by four little words—we have a son.
He scrambled up to a sitting position. Sparrow got up, too, sitting on her knees in front of him.
“Voron?” She ducked her head, searching for his eyes. “Say something. Anything?” she pleaded.
He couldn’t, even if he tried. His throat was blocked. He could barely breathe.
A son…
She had a baby?
While he mourned her, raging like a caged animal, consumed by grief. She carried their child, gave birth to him, cared for him… Alone.
Did she have any help?
How did she survive?
These questions had always been on his mind. But until now, every moment with her had consumed him. She came back to him. It left no room to dwell on the time she was away.
A lot had happened while they were apart, it seemed. Much more than he could’ve ever imagined.
“Where is he?” he finally managed to squeeze out.
She drew another long breath and released it, hesitating. Did she still not trust him? Believing he was the cause of their separation must have left a scar.
He reached for her, and she let him stroke her arms.
“He’s safe,” she assured him.
“Where? He should be here. With us.”
He knew nothing about being a father but, apparently, he was one now. He’d have to figure it out, somehow. Maybe he could start by being the exact opposite of what his own father was? And for that, he needed to be there for his son. Now.
Sparrow fidgeted with a corner of the sheet. “Do you think Elaros is a safe place for a baby?”
He couldn’t blame her for her doubts. This place had been a real wasps’ nest, filled with traitors waiting for the slightest misstep to strike.
“Can a baby be safe in a place where his father nearly lost his life?” she asked softly.
“A few months ago, I wouldn’t be so sure,” he admitted. “But there have been many changes, my dearest Sparrow. The court is loyal to me. I’ve expelled the fake, pretentious opportunists both from the court and the Council. What happened this morning was the retaliation of the last two of them. Both are now dead. High Lord Bussard was shot and killed with an arrow during the battle this morning, and I personally executed Lord Vautour.”
“I know. I saw it.”
“Elaros is safer than it has ever been. I’ll protect you both. No matter what, we all need to be together.”
Still, she hesitated, biting her lip.
“Tell me, Voron, what does having a son mean to you?”
He paused in thought. Most of his life, a child of his own had been a rather abstract idea to him, an heir to the bloodline he didn’t care about extending. But now that his son was real, he realized it wasn’t about any bloodline or legacy. The need to protect someone he’d never met burned strongly already.
He feared he wouldn’t be able to put what he felt into words yet, though.