Page 127 of Crownless King
“I don’t know, Sparrow,” he admitted. “I’ve never had a son before. Fuck, I didn’t even have a father to speak of. I have no idea how to be a parent, but I want to do my best.”
“That’s all any of us can do.” She smiled. “No one is born to be a perfect parent. All I want you to do is try. Aithen is a sweet little boy. He means the world to me, and I hope you’ll fall in love with him, too.”
“You named him Aithen?” How many times had he said that name, praying to the God of Death to help his beloved find her way back to him?
She bit her lip. “Do you like it?”
“I don’t think I’d come up with a better name myself for the heir to the kingdom.”
The smile slipped off her face.
“Do you think you’ll ever see him as something more than just your heir?”
“Of course I will.” He grinned, his confidence returning along with a new excitement. “But, sweetheart, this is my first child ever, and I haven’t even seen him yet. Come.”
He jumped off the bed. A shiver rippled down his back as he willed his wings out. The sensation was so new, it made him aware of the movement of every feather. Yet it also felt natural, as if he’d always had wings. They had always been a part of him, it seemed, but lay dormant inside his body until Sparrow came along and turned his entire world upside down by helping him find himself.
“Where are you going?” She scrambled from the bed after him.
He tugged her toward the window.
“Let’s go get our baby, Sparrow. Let’s bring him home.”
“Wait, you crazy man!” She laughed. “First, you’re not going anywhere without your pants on.”
She glanced down his body, sending a rush of heat to his groin. Maybe putting on some pants was a good idea before he dragged her back to bed for the rest of the night.
“And second,” she pointed at the dark, starry night outside the window. “It’s late. Aithen is sleeping. Trust me, you don’t want to wake him like that. He’d be cranky and miserable for the rest of the day.”
“Is he at the farmhouse where you were?”
She nodded. “Close to it.”
She was right. It would’ve taken them the rest of the night and the next morning to travel that far by horse, but his new wings would take them there well before sunrise.
He paused, taking in the warm glow that lit her lovely face when she talked about their child.
“How old is Aithen?”
“Eight months. He isn’t walking yet, but his crawling speed is impressive. And he has wings.”
“He does?” He grinned.
“They’re black, just like yours. He’s been learning how to use them, and it’s daunting.”
“Is he afraid?”
“No!” She laughed again. “But I am. I’m worried sick that he would fly too high for me to catch him.”
He drew her into his chest.
“I’ll catch him. I’ll teach him. We’ll fly together.” Now that he had wings, he could do it all.
A king fulfilled.
The prophecy had always referred to him, not to Tiane. But the few people who knew the truth, including his own parents, did everything they could to deceive everyone else.
“Aithen is safe, darling,” Sparrow assured him. “We’ll get him first thing in the morning. You should get some rest before you fly us there.”