Page 73 of Mountain Security
“You sure you’re okay?” Beau asked. There was a hesitant note in the gruff man’s voice. They were all affected, in their own way, when it came to something like this.
“I’ve got this,” Alex said, deflecting the question. He wasn’t okay, but he could do this.
Beau nodded and passed the rope around the harness. Alex pulled a light onto his helmet and shone it into the hole.
When he looked up again, his friends were both studying the ragged edges of snow and ice.
“We’re going to lower you slowly. If you feel any risk of the hole collapsing,” Beau said, “you need to get out immediately. Am I making myself clear, Alex?”
Alex heard what Beau wasn’t saying. He was telling him he might have to leave the boy behind in that icy tomb.
Alex nodded. “Understood. I’m ready.”
Alex positioned himself at the edge of the hole and leaned back, careful to disturb the snow at the edge as little as possible. Slowly, ever so slowly, Beau and Ry began lowering him inside.
Alex shivered. It should have been warmer inside the hole, away from the wind, but the sensation was exactly the opposite. He was heading into the darkness, away from the light, and his body felt that as cold.
The edges of the hole pressed against hi shoulders.
“Alex?” Beau’s unspoken question reminded him he hadn’t said anything for a long time.
“I’m okay. I’m—“
He looked down, squinting into the darkness.
There’s something there.
Then the shadow moved.
Urgency filled him.
“He’s here. Give me more rope.”
Then he was at the bottom of the hole, crawling towards the shape.
Alex prayed his eyes hadn’t been deceiving him.
I saw him move.
Please, God.
Let him be alive.
At least there was air down here. It was cold and damp, but it was breathable. A fucking miracle, all things considered.
The boy was on his side, curled up into a small ball.
“I’ve got him,” Alex said. He took off a glove and pressed two fingers against the boy’s neck—felt the fluttering pulse there.
Too fast, but strong.
“He’s got a pulse.”
His words met a relieved sigh, but it was still too early for relief.
Alex took off his other glove and placed one hand in front of the boy’s mouth.
Please breathe.